Imagine: Aaron and Hayes

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Magcon Imagines

Aaron and Hayes imagine ♥

You and your best friend decided to go to the Boardwalk/beach today. When you got there it was a bit packed and you couldn't understand why. "Jeez why is it so packed today Kyra?" Maddie asked pushing her way through people. "Kyra?" Maddie called out noticing that she had lost her best friend. As Maddie got more and more caught into the crowd Kyra was out of the massive crowd and waiting for her best friend.

Maddie was being pushed side to side, forward and back. When it started to clear up a bit Maddie found it as her chance to try and find Kyra. "Okay here we go." Maddie said to herself as she started to move a bit faster through the less crowded boardwalk. A few girls were screaming and a few crying so the first thought in Maddie's head was something tragic was happening.
Maddie decided to move quicker.
Meanwhile Kyra was waiting still for Maddie who was taking forever to get out of the crowd. Kyra felt the presence of another being next to her. She looked over to see Hayes Grier. 'Be cool, don't say or do anything stupid.' She thought to herself and smiled. "Hey." Hayes said smiling at her. Inside Kyra was screaming but just as she told herself to play it cool she did. She leaned her arms back so her elbows were rested on the boardwalk. "Hi." She said to him.
It was quiet for a bit, "Is your shirt met for me?" He asked winking with a smirk. Kyra looked down and giggled to herself. "No I got it because it looked cool." Hayes nodded with a smile. "But I mean it could be meant for you." Kyra said moving her arms and looking around for Maddie.

Hayes followed your gaze with a confused look on his face. "Are you with a boyfriend or something? If you are how big is he...I don't want to be beat up today." Kyra laughed at the boy and turned to face him. "No, no. I don't have a boyfriend but I am here with my best friend...but I lost her." She said and Hayes laughed. "Well I think we should go find her." He said and grabbed your hand. Kyra felt butterflies in her stomach when he touched her hand. She continued to keep her cool.
"KYRA!!!" Maddie screamed out finally seeing her in the distance. Maddie ran for Kyra and a boy she didn't recognize. In the process of running towards her she tripped. Just before Maddie's face could hit the ground someone had caught her. Maddie screamed as if she was about to die.

"Oh my god are you okay?" A boy asked. When Maddie opened her eyes she came face to face with the Aaron Carpenter. She smiled and nodded. "Yeah I'm okay, I just wasn't looking where I was going but I'm great....actually." Maddie said as Aaron helped her stand straight. "I'm Aaron." He said and Maddie smiled. "Maddie." She said as they started to walk towards Kyra and Hayes.

"Aaron." Hayes said and greeted Aaron with a bro hug. Kyra walked to Maddie and whispered in her ear. "We are with the guys from Magcon...oh my god." The two girls giggled and Kyra turned to Maddie. "Are you okay...I lost you in that crowd." Kyra asked and Maddie nodded. "Yeah I almost fell but luckily Aaron caught me." Maddie said and Aaron hugged her from behind. "I'm glad I caught you." Aaron said and kissed Maddie's cheek. Maddie blushed and giggled.

"Kyra...if you're not too busy would you and Maddie like to stay with Aaron and I? We are here all day." Hayes said smirking and Kyra nodded. "Sure." Hayes took Kyra's hand and twirled her into his embrace. It was now Kyra's turn to blush and she did. Hayes and Kyra held hands all day and Maddie and Aaron did the same. They walked on the beach made vines and exchanged numbers. At the end of the day Maddie and Kyra had the time of there lives.

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