CHAPTER 6: Morning!

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I wake up with a throbbing headache as my alarm goes off. I feel something hard against my head and I look up to see Kinton sleeping with his mouth slightly parted. He looks so adorable when he sleeps. I look at him and I can't help but think of our future together. Will we even have a future? My parents despise him and I don't even want to imagine what will happen if we get married. Well I don't care about them. All I want is to be happy and Kinton makes me happy. My thoughts are interrupted by the disturbing sound on the door and I freeze in my spot. It's probably my mum and Kinton is right here laying on my bed. What am I going to do my parents can't find out that he spent the night here they will kill him.

"Eva?" My mum calls as she knocks the door again causing Kinton to wake up.

"What the.."

"Shh" I say covering Kinton's mouth with my fingers so my mum wont hear him.
"Good morning." I whisper and smile at him as he returns it with a warm smile.

"Good morning." He smiles. "Who's there? And why are you whispering?" He asks whipping his eyes with his fingers.

"Shh...keep your voice low. It's my mum." I say as my mum knocks repeatedly on the door.

"Look Eva I know you are in there so you better answer me now or I'll break the door down." My mum yells out of patience. Like she would. I roll my eyes.
I don't bother answering cause she is all bark and no bite. And plus just talking to her annoys me.

"Kint you have to go. Now." I say keeping my voice low.

"But why? I don't care let her do whatever she wants but I'm not going to just run away like a coward." Kinton says jumping out of bed in anger.

"No!" I almost scream. "no my mom would kill you." I say joining him on the floor.

"Let her. I'm done running away. I'm done hiding from them. I'm done!" Kinton yells.

"Fine!" I yell even louder not caring if my mum hears me or not.


"Fine! Go ahead! Let them see you and find out we spent the night together. Let them know and allow them to ruin my life! Cause that's what is going to happen to me Kinton. You behind bars and me never getting to see you again will ruin my life forever. So go ahead. The door's right there." I say as my eyes begin to water. I sit on the bed and begin to cry. My life wouldn't be the same without Kinton. He is the only one in this world that understands me and that's why I love him. More than anything.

"Eva don't...don't cry." he says his voice a bit calmer. I remain silent and he sits next to me holding me in his arms. I don't look at him and bury my head in his chest.

"I'm sorry. I'll...i'll leave." My heart want to tell him not to leave but my head says the opposite. I feel bad for him. I know he loves me and being this secretive isn't good for us. He isn't enjoying being my boyfriend as he should but what can I do? I remove my head from his chest and look up at him.

"I love you. You know that right?"

"Yes and I love you more." he says back kissing my forehead."

"look one day I'll make this better but now isn't the time. I promise that once I'm able to face my parents I'll go around the world with you I promise." I say to him and he nods.

"I understand." he says smiling at me and I can't help but love him even more for understanding me. "I should go." He says as he stands up to wear his shirt that he removed yesterday. I simply nod and watch him in silence as he dresses. Once he is finished he goes to the balcony but stops midway. My eyes follow his and I spot the flowers he got for me last night laying on the floor. He picks it up and turns around to look at me. I smile at him and he rushes over and plants a small kiss on my lips.

"I think you dropped this." he says as he hands me the flowers. I happily take it and smell them. They smell so good.

"Thank you." I smile at him and he returns with a huge smile. I place the flowers in a small beautiful vase on my side table. And turn back to look at him.

"I'll call you." he says as he gives me a small peck on my cheeks before finally leaving my room. Through the balcony of course. I watch him climb down the ladder and when he disappears out of my sight I sigh. If only I could face my parents. He wouldn't be going through all this trouble just to see me. I go back inside and the thought of my mum knocking hits me. She hasn't knocked since when she threatened to break down the door. Could she have heard us? I think to my self and unlock the door. The hallway is completely empty. I make my way downstairs and I spot my mum and my dad talking in the dining room. The place my mum hit me for the first time in my life. I shake the thought out of my head and walk over to them and my mum frowns immediately she sees me.

"Goodness Eva why didn't you open the door?" my mum says anger full in her over made up face. Good get angry you deserve much worse.

"Cause I didn't feel like." I reply harshly pouring myself a cup of coffee that Nina made. I know I'm being mean but she deserves it after what she did last night. She can't just wake up in the morning and pretend like nothing happened.

"You don't have to be that rude." My dad interrupts.

"well you guys don't have to be so annoying." I snap as I drink my coffee.

"If this is about what happened last night I want you to know that it's all your fault and you deserved it for being so rude to us. We are your parents Eva." My mum says. I deserve it? And here I was thinking she would apologize or something but instead she decides to blame me. Wow. Classic mum.

"Need I remind you that you aren't my biological parents and I can go back to that orphanage home if I choose to." I say without thinking and I hear them gasp at my threat. I don't say anything else and grab my cup of coffee and head straight to my room. I'm in no mood to argue right now. I just want to freshen up, and go to work. I hear my mum cry and I roll my eyes as I close my door shut. The flowers on the table is the first thing that catches my eye and I smile. I am slightly relieved that my mum didn't hear Kinton and I talking or he will be dead by now. I sit on the bed and keep my cup of coffee on the table next to the flowers. I stare at them for a few minutes thinking about Kinton and the thought of him having cancer hits me. I can't believe he has cancer. I probably have to see Clara and his father to apologize for storming off like that. Well that's if they haven't left for Madison yet but if they have I'll just call them. I shrug the thought off my mind and stand up to brush my teeth and take a shower. Today has been so tiring and it's just morning. I say to myself as I sigh and walk into the bathroom.




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