Chapter 49❤️

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I used my key to unlock the door to my warehouse before slidimg the mig metal door to the left. I walked in flicking the light switch and watched as the entire first floor lit up. I looked to my left at the three brown leather couches and the big flatscreen Tv hanging on the wall. I made my way to the elevator and straight to the fourth foor.

When i walked in I walked straight to my desk sitting my bookbag down on the floor beside me pulling my macbook out of it. I have to go over inventory and get some stuff ready to be flew back to the east coast. I want to see if i can expand some of my new shit over there. Then after that I had to make some phone calls to some of my buyers overseas for shipments.

At like 12 ghost walked in with 4 other niggas. I looked up from what I was doing and up at all of them as Ghost took a seat on the couch.

"wassup?" I asked giving them my full attention

"These are some of PAC old boys. His best men. They work for you now" He explained

I looked at them and noticed that one of them look familiar. He was already looking at me with a smirk on his face like he was waiting for me to remember who he was.

"Uncle Don!" I squealed before getting up and running around the desk hugging him.

"I thought they gave you 20 years" I said as he chuched a little bit.

Don Dada is Pac's younger cousin who usd to work for him when I first met Pac. He's a rich ass Jamaican man witch dreads that used to be at his shoulders but are now down his back. When i was 17 somebody snitched on him for some lick him and pac hit out in Charolette. But they sentenced him to twenty years because he took it to trial instad of snitching on Pac. I always admired how he took his time to the head instead of rattin. He was my fucking dawg. He used to spoil the fuck out of me when I was a Jit.

"They did. But I filed for an appeal and 3 years later im out that hoe". he smiled releasing me from the hug.

"It's crazy. just three years ago you was buying me whatever I want and now you work for me". I joked makgin him laugh a little bit.

"yeah whatever" he mushed my head

I didn't recognize anybody else in the room so Ghost introduced me.

"Red this is Fasa and his twin sons Loon and Tec. They're from Africa" he explained

Thats when I noticed how young the two boys were. They got to be like 16, 17.

"People do drugs in Africa?" I asked making the twins bus out laughing and their father chuckle

"People do drugs everywhere" he said with a little bit of a french accent.

I just smiled. We talked for a little bit. I caught up with my uncle Don and got to know Fasa and the twins. Loon is the pretty boy type and Tec was funny and really sweet. Fasa was very wise and you can tell he's been doing this for a while.

About an hour later Cash, Spazz, Gwap, Peso, and murda walked in.

"wassup" Cash said walking over to where I was standing talking to my uncle and Fasa giving me a hug

"hey. Guys this is my uncle Don, he just got out of prison, and Thats Fasa and his twin sons Tec and Loon. They're from Africa and they're gonna be working with us now. Yall this is my boyfriend Cash, My little brother Spazz, My bestfriend Peso, My brother Gwap and my sister Murda" I introdueced everyone

they all gretted eachother and branched off to engage in their own conversations throughout my office. I noticed Fasa standing off to to the side in the corner with his sons who were mostly talking to Spazz.

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