T H A N K Y O U .

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Hello! It has been a while my readers! I don't want to make excuses and I don't have any because I was just feeling very unmotivated and I was suffering from a severe case of writers block. The good news is that I'm back, and it feels so good!

To my faithful followers and readers thank you so much for continuously supporting me and always sticking by my side I appreciate it more then you will ever know!

To those that have stuck with me since the very very beginning, thank you. You all have seen my growth in writing and through my grammatical and story plot flaws you still stay, so thank you!

To those that have just decided to read this story on a whim, thank you! Thank you for taking the chance to read this short story and hopefully you will find some pleasure in reading it and enjoy it as much as I have writing it!

To everyone here, I sincerely thank you. I hope that you will see my potential and continue to support my next endeavors because I have so much planned!

And for those that have read this to the end y'all are the BEST and I appreciate every single one of you!

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