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Teagan's Pov

"Come on, that's all you got?" Calum says, looking at me over his shoulder.

We were running down the beach, and I was falling behind. In my defense, I hadn't run since I cut my foot two weeks ago. Whatever.

"I'm coming, I'm coming,"I said, giving him a death glare and picking up my pace.

We ran a little further before coming to the pier. He finally slowed to a stop and I followed after him. "You could've gone a little easy on me, at least."

Calum was bent over, his hands on his knees to catch his breath. There was a big smile on his face. I stood tall and stretched my arms over my head so my chest would open up and I could get more air.

"What are you smiling about?" I ask, and he stands up next to me.

It was almost 6 am, the sun just peeking over the horizon. Everything glowed in the golden light.

"I just love being here, watching the sunrise and stuff."

"Hey, excuse me?" I heard a voice come from behind us. It scared me at first, Calum was the first to turn around. It was a lady, probably in her 30s.

"I was taking pictures of the sunrise and noticed that you two were in one of them. Would you like to see it?" She smiled kindly.

I nodded and Calum brought his hand to my back as we stepped closer to her. She held out her camera for us to look, I smiled and looked over at Calum.

"Haha, it looks like I'm beating you there. Is there any way you can send that to me?" Calum rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, actually I brought my adapter with me. If I stick the sim card in it you can plug it into your phone and pick which one you want. Hold on a second." She started to rummage through her bag, finally pulling out a little white piece.

I held it for her so she would have both hands free to get the sim card out from the camera.

When it had uploaded to my phone I took it out and handed it back to her. "Thank you so much! Have a great day."

We waved at her as she walked on down the pier to take more pictures before it started to get busy. Calum sat down in the sand and I sat down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

After a while of listening to the waves he spoke. "Send me that picture, I want to post it."

"Ooh, Calum Hood actually posting on Instagram?? And with a girl. The world will lose their minds." I teased, he stuck his tongue out at me.

He laughed,"They can fuck off."

I nodded and pulled my phone out of my waistband to send it to him. "Okay done."

Calum stood up and brushed off his shorts, holding out his hand to help me up. I was enjoying the peaceful silence and empty beach. I wasn't ready to leave. I used his hand to pull myself up, that's when I noticed the devious grin on his face.

"Race you back to your house?"

I took a deep breath and then took off. He was shocked at first but eventually sprinted after me.

+++ !! lil bit of smut below !! +++

Calum caught up to me right as I reached the back door. He pulled me backward and I fell against him giggling. He was laughing too while kissing my cheek. "You think you're such a little trickster."

"I have been pretty successful so far, you have to admit," I said, looking back at him and resting my arms over his that wrapped around my waist.

"I will never admit defeat."

talk fast // calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now