Chapter 20

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They wanted to do a DNA test, the problem is that clone Gerard probably had the exact same DNA as the real Gerard. They'd soon know that this wasn't right and would probably take him away to do tests on him. I couldn't bare to think that.

"Don't be silly" I chuckled nervously looking around at them.

"No, Frank has a point. We could have been separated at birth. We could be identical twins!" Gerard smiled at the clone but the clone looked scared, he had the same thoughts as me.

"No, I'm not your twin. Sorry if you got excited about the idea" The clone shrugged and walked over to me holding my hand.

"But you're too much like me" Gerard whispered,

"Im in my twenties. You're thirty five" he shrugged, 'We can't be twins. It's just by luck that I look like you, luck for me. I naturally looked like you and I liked your look in the black parade era so stole it. Sorry if it was copy righted" he laughed nervously and watched for their reactions. Their mouths slowly closed and they nodded.

"He has a point" Ray whispered shrugging at Gerard.

"I thought you was too young" Gerard smiled at the clone. "Can I get a picture? It'll be cool to keep this memory and show the world that I have a look a like. Maybe you'll attract the ladies with this look?" He chuckled walking over and standing next to the clone, Frank got up and held the camera up just as I moved out the way, the camera flashed so the picture was taken,

"I don't need to attract any girls. I have Jenny" He turned and smiled at me sweetly making me blush. I heard them all Aw which made me blush more,

"How cute" Frank whispered smiling,

"He wants something" I shrugged making them laugh.

"Maybe he'll get lucky tonight" Frank whispered winking at the clone. I snorted and shook my head sitting down making them all laugh at the clone.

"We better get going" Gerard smiled at us, "It was really nice meeting you. Would you like us to sign anything before we go or?"

"YES!" I jumped up, running to my room and grabbing my MCR top. I ran back down with a sharpie and shoved the top into them.

"I Uh" Gerard whispered putting it down and signing it, then he passed it onto the next member and so on until everyone signed it. "There 'ya go" He smiled handing it to me and I squeaked excitedly.

"Thank you!" I grinned and they shrugged. "Luckily I'm tired so I didn't freak out as much as I would when it's a normal day. Thanks for coming" I chuckled nervously and they pulled me into a group hug. I will remember and cherish this day for the rest of my life.

"Well, I'll see you at a concert maybe? Or randomly on the streets if you're lucky" Gerard chuckled and Mikey smiled.

"I wish" I giggled and they walked towards the door. "Bye! Have a safe journey!" I had no idea what to say and that seemed appropriate. As soon as they walked out the door saying their goodbyes, I turned to clone Gerard who I could now again call Gerard. "That's what you get when you act stupid" I sighed sitting down.


"Forgiven" I smiled a little. Overall it was a good day, I met the real My Chemical Romance! I even got my shirt signed by them! It's a shame I didn't get a picture, but I get to spend my life with Gerard now. The clone who looks like Gerard Way. Sometimes I wonder if this is all just a long dream, like I'm in a coma or something. Well if it is, please don't wake me!

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