The Lie

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"Gay or nah?" Alex leans over his desk to whisper to James as they take a test in their last class of the day. 

It was the end of the first day of the school week. Everyone was sure to be fed up with being here. I mean, it was Monday. Who likes going to school after the weekend?

And even worse, who likes taking tests on a Monday?

"I'm not gay," James tells him, briefly turning his head to the side so his teacher wouldn't catch him talking in the middle of the tests. He was struggling to ignore his dumbass popular friend and instead concentrate on his last couple of calculus problems.

Alex is the most popular guy in the school. With his blonde hair and cool blue eyes, he could swoon any girl. He plays quarterback on the varsity football team, dominating every game. He has the hottest girl in the school, Taylor Rosemary, as a girlfriend.

He's basically perfect.

"Yes, you are." Alex rolls his eyes, from behind James, leaning so close he could feel his breath on the back of his neck. "You can't even prove it because you don't have a girlfriend, like I do."

James has been friends with Alex since the third grade. But, their constant competition that started in sixth grade ruined their friendship. The competition of being the most popular guy in the grade. It changed Alex and James couldn't give two fucks about this popularity contest. But Alex kept pestering him about it.

And in this school, you were called a pussy for turning down a challenge.

"Quiet down, class." Ms. Bristol says, irritatedly from her desk. "Some people are still taking the test." She even adds a little eye roll saying that it was the end of the day and she was fed up with these dumb teenagers' bullshit.

James looks back to his math problems 'I'm so going to fail this test so hard'

"Homo... Faggot...Gay boy..." Alex mutters to him repetitively. Then, he coughs. "So gay."

There is nothing wrong with being homosexual, but when you are falsely accused constantly of your sexuality and it is repetitively used with a negative connotation, it really builds up. 

'I need to show this jackass' James turns around to Alex, licking his lips in annoyance while smirking bitterly. He completely disregards the fact he is still taking a test. Then, he says something that he would regret: "Actually, I DO have a girlfriend."

"Oh really!?" Alex laughs, surprised. "YOU have a girlfriend. YOU."

"Yea, me." It was irritating for him that Alex seriously doubted his sexuality.

"Who?" He challenges.

James swallow. Well shit. I haven't thought that far.

"Dude, if you're lying, I'll tell everyone about your ex."

He stiffens. The relationship with his ex was a nightmare. What happened to her was almost just as bad. If anyone else found out..."I-I'm not lying" James lies.

"You better not be," Alex says. "Now, who is-?"

"Alex, you and James have been talking this whole class period. Do you want me to take your test and escort you to the office?" Ms. Bristol says, having enough.

"No, ma'am." He replies innocently.

James rolls his eyes at Alex's ability to fool teachers, then turns back around in his desk.

James needed to find a girl to date him. A girl who was hot and not fake. Not the girls who throw themselves at him like thirsty-ass sluts. He didn't want those girls. But she had to be popular and hot.

Oh god, am I ready for another relationship?

"Psst," Alex says, as a crumpled piece of paper hits his back. "Who is it?" The paper hits the floor with a soft thud, causing Ms. Bristol to look up again.

James doesn't look up from his paper, knowing Ms. Bristol's eyes were boring into him. "Dude, not now." He tells Alex, raising his voice.

"Mr. Barnes, I am tired of your talking. Come turn your test in." Ms. Bristol tells him.

James looks up to her slowly. "But, I'm not done." He tells her. 

"It doesn't matter, you'll still get a zero."

The class erupts in 'OHHHHHHHH's and some burst out laughing.


"Shots fire!"

For some reason, it sounded like Alex was leading it.

He rolls his eyes, trying to seem unfazed, and walks up to the teacher's desk. He accidentally tosses it at her, appearing to be rude. Which was not his intention, for your information. 

She glares at him, hard. "James, see me after class."

No! I won't have enough variety of girls since they'll be gone! Shit!

He sighs frustratedly, sitting back at his desk to sulk angrily.

The bell rings and Alex and the other students get up from their desks. Alex hits his shoulder. "Hey, I'll see you talking to your girlfriend in the hallway, right?"

James groans. 

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