The Two Sides

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Vanessa comes back to the table where we ate breakfast that next morning. She had a confused expression on her face. "Someone's in the driveway. I don't know who--" 

Ellen and Domino (my parents) look at each other, puzzled. 

I drop my fork and get up from the table, excusing myself. "Probably mine. Bye!" I exclaim and hurriedly leave the kitchen. Before they can say or do anything else, I exit the house, slinging my purse over my shoulder. 

There was no way my parents would take this news well. Especially if they didn't want me to date. 

The first thing that caught my eye was Bucky's shiny black Corvette, which was probably more expensive than my own car. It was impressive, but I'd never admit that to him. 

As soon as I take a step off the porch, someone unexpectedly yanks me back. I gasp. "Vanessa!"

"Who the hell is that? That can't be Melinda. Did she get a new car?" Vanessa asks, glaring. 

I panic. "Uh, uh, uh... It's- it's no one! I swear! Wait! I mean, it's just Melinda!" 

My sister narrows her eyes and quickly walks over to his car. 

"No! Just--ugh." I try to stop her, but Ness is already opening the passenger door. Face-palming herself, I walk over as Bucky is being raided by questions.

"Who are you? Are you Natalia's boyfriend? Why are you dating her? Are you going to hurt her? Why haven't I heard about you? How many girlfriends have you had? Were you here yesterday? Is Natalia still a virg--?"

"Vanessa!" I exclaim to cut her off. "Jesus Christ. Don't mess with him."

She glares at me, for some reason. "I won't leave until he answers all of my questions." The way her hand firmly gripped the door proved that she wasn't going to move. 

Bucky glances at me, before looking back into the devious eyes of my sister. "Umm..." He tries to recall all of the questions and answers slowly. "... I'm James 'Bucky' Barnes... I'm pretty sure you got that we're dating, but yes... I'm her boyfriend because we like each other..." He tries to not roll his eyes at the words coming out of his mouth. "... No, I won't hurt her... Ask Natalia why didn't you... I've had six girlfriends before her... No, I wasn't here yesterday... And yes, we haven't had sex...Yet" He looks to me, lowers the sunglasses he was wearing, and winks.

I make a face of disgust as Vanessa gasps. What an ass. "EXCUSE YOU!?" She exclaims, offended. 

He laughs, which is pretty sexy... "I'm joking."

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms in front of my chest. Except you're not. 

My sister straightens herself up. She only silently approves of Bucky, not going unnoticed by me. "Okay... Bucky. I fucking swear, you better be good to my little sister. If you hurt her, I will yank off your balls with a string, cut your penis into cucumber slices with a machete, and then shove it all up your ass out your throat until you choke and die." She pauses and smiles sweetly, losing her evil glare. "It was nice meeting you."

I was beyond mortified that a person, my sister, would say something as gruesome and disgusting as that. "He's wayyy cute." She says

Patting my shoulder, Vanessa skips back into the house, proudly. 

That just happened. 

I sigh, embarrassed and even a little bit uncomfortable, and get into Bucky's car. He seemed to be staring into space; I couldn't tell, he wore sunglasses. The poor boy was probably traumatized. 

He breaks out of his trance when realizing I was watching him and tries to play off the situation. He nods his head up to me. "Sup."

It was so hard to make out his emotions with those sunglasses on. I couldn't see his eyes. "Are you alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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