girl left behind

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As the teacher spoke, my head was in a book and my eyes jumping across each italic word--

My book was snatched from my hands "No reading while there's a lesson." I heard the teacher yell in my direction making me look up from the book "S-sorry"

I moved myself low in chair hiding behind the desk  using it almost as a protective shield to hide away from the heavy stares I was getting and hearing small whispers

What could be so interesting about me that everyone wants to talk about?

The loud bell sounded and I quickly got up and put my binder and textbooks back in my bag

It was an every day thing I had to start getting use to because things didn't seem like they were gonna change for the better

I walked out the door, turning a corner and walking down the hall

My shoulder brushed against someone, I stared up at the stranger reading out their features

hair an perciluar shade of grey and nice eyes
there was something I thought was familar

Why her?

Fingers wrapped around my wrist preventing me from walking away "wait"

I paused. mumbling under my breath and turned around to see the girl who had a sympathetic look on her face "w-what doing you want Billie?" I mentally rolled my eyes at the girl that stood in front of me


The name that makes me swoon with madness

I hated her

..I think I do

"You know I'm sorry for what I did to you." I moved my hand from my grip "you mean l-leave your b-bestfriend to chase a-after some asshole who c-could care less about you?"

I turned around and continued walking away. After a few steps I looked back to see if her presence was still shadowing behind me but she was gone


I opened the door to my house hoping to be welcomed by my mother "H-hello.." There was no response

I decided to go upstairs. Do my hygiene and lay in bed and do my homework later

My phone sat in my lap and I went in my contacts and strolled through them

Billie's number was still in my phone. I wonder why I didn't delete it..

I turned off my phone and put it to the side then it buzzed

I looked at the screen hoping it was my mother but it was Billie

She already knows I'm not fucking with her.
"Didn't let me explain myself." - Billie
"I know you're reading this Y/N." - Billie
I let out a sigh picking up my phone
"don't you have Devyck's dick to suck??" I turned off my phone, putting it next to me staring at it

- Next day

A sharp pain hit me as my body slammed against the lockers "you think you can just steal my girlfriend away from me bitch!" A voice shouted, with rage "W-what a-are you talking about?"

I said facing the curly haired jock in front of me "stop acting fucking stupid!" A crowd started to form in the quiet hall. "B-but I don't k-" A fist collided with my cheek, my body was no longer reliable falling to the ground

"You fucking piece of shit!!" He left his foot. I closed my eyes "Dev! Don't hurt her! Stop!" He ignored her and I felt a strike of burning sensation hit my stomach

 solemn tears fell down my cheek with my body paralyzed from the slow aching torture

Billie's POV

I saw a loud crowd by the lockers and heard my boyfriend screaming. I ran over and squeezed through the crowd and saw a horrifying scene

My boyfriend attacking my bestfriend. This made me see him differently..A vicious cold-blooded monster

seeing Y/N laying there almost lifeless scared me. She was someone I never wanted to lose

Devyck was always toxic with our relationship because she was there before he was

this was too far.
"Dev! Don't hurt her! Stop!" The crowd went silent
He ignored me and I saw his foot move toward the girl making me look away

The more he hit her, a wall of anger grew inside of me

I shoved him away  he grabbed my wrist, his fingernails digging in my skin harshly "why do you care? She's worthless!" He screamed

"Well you wanna know why? because I'm in love with her!"

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