the beginning to the end of my mind

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Well here I am. Exactly where I didn't want to be but was madly driven by marvel. But then again, aren't we all? I was mostly driven by Loki, Peter P, and Peter Q. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy your time here. I hope you enjoy my writing. Also request stories you'd like me to do!! I'll do anyone from the avengers and other marvel characters.

Maybe some smut????????? I mEaN, wHo Kn0ws, RiGhT??? Y'all can request it.

"wAiT, ReALLy????"

Yeah sure, go ahead. By all means. We all need our own pleasure sometimes.

"duDe yOu LiT aS fUck!"

I try. :)

Okay go ahead and enjoy my amazing talent. Just kidding, I know some of y'all are gonna think I suck and I respect that. Enjoy <3

Here's my social media thingys if any of you want me to follow me. I'll follow back, just text me and tell me you're from Wattpad :)

Snapchat: elizaxoxo1213

Instagram: 239.eliza

Twitter: lokiddingg (I just started)

Tumblr: okkeliza (I restarted there)

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