dating loki would include...

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Just a little something to hold you guys off while I work on a story. Hopefully it works out and doesn't become complete shit. So let's hope for the best :0


- you both not accepting your feelings for each other at first but then you put on your big girl panties and told him.

- "Loki I have feelings for you and I understand if you don't feel like same too!" you held your eyes closed until you felt a pair of lips on yours

- he doesn't know how to share or explain his feelings very well, but you eventually break his shell

-"You need to start sharing your feelings, you can't keep them bottled up" "So you're telling me I have to be, emotional?" "Yes, that's what I'm saying" "Ew, feelings"

- you suggesting that you start a small tradition between you both. like movie night, date night, etc.

- "Hey, babe! It's your turn to chose the movie!" "It is? Thank goodness, I was not fond of your choice of movie last time" "Hey, rude!" "You told me to share my feelings, I am!"

- always comforting him, especially when he has nightmares and panic attacks. and soothing him to sleep is a big thing that you do for him.

- "Shh, my love. You're all right, I'm here. It's okay now, I'm here."

- his kisses are the best in the business. he leaves you on the edge of your seat and always wanting more from him.


- my queen. darling. angel. love. my love. and anything along those lines.

- you guys are always getting walked in on???? privacy is apparently a foreign thing in the avengers compound????

- *natasha barges in your room* "Nat?! What the fuck?!" "Ouuuu Y/n, getting it good!!" "Get the hell out!!"

- you being mesmerized by loki's frost giant form. you love the color his eyes change to. it reminds you of a campfire for some odd reason

- "Lokiiiiiiii can you show me pleaseeeeee?" "Darling this is the third time today" "I know I just love it so much, your eyes are beautiful"

- thor being very skeptical at first, thinking that loki had you under some sort of love spell.

- "Y/n, if you're under a spell, blink twice" "Thor, what on Midguard are you doing?" "I know you have Lady Y/n under a spell!"

- he eventually believes that loki had no spell on you and that you just loved him dearly.

- he is the best big brother ever to you. and is the biggest supporter of your relationship.

- tony would ask you to babysit peter, and to keep him entertained loki would use his magic. like turn into different things and stuff

- *peter gasps and points at snake form loki* "Look Y/n, it's a danger noodle!" "Peter how old are you?" "17....." "Oh god"

- you love him for who he is and not what he's done.

- everyone just adores your relationship.

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