come on, darling (loki x reader)

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This was also requested by someone who wishes to stay anonymous. And yes, I'm aware that there are no holidays close, but I thought it would go along with the story. I hope you guys enjoy!

Y/h/t: your hometown
Y/l/n: your last name

"Mom, what room will Thor stay in?" You asked your mother as you cut up pieces of sweet potatoes and put them in a glass pan. "He will be staying in your brothers room," your mom said, placing the turkey in the oven. "How about Loki?" You asked again, this time sprinkling marshmallows over the sweet potatoes. "With you, of course," she said, nudging you with her elbow and wiggling her eyebrows. You scoffed,"Mom! Come on, seriously. You better not act like that when he comes over!" She laughed and said,"Oh sweetie, relax. It's not me you should be worried about. It's your father." You looked over two your dad watching tv and drinking a beer with your two brothers. "Yeah, you're right," you said.

Your father wasn't the most fond of Loki. Although you didn't live in New York, you lived in Y/h/t, your dad thought what he did was irresponsible and crazy. When he figured out you'd fallen for the god, he was furious. "Over time he'll learn to get over it." Your mother had once said. And he did, but he still gave Loki some dirty looks and semi-rude remarks. The doorbell rang and you came out of your thoughts. Your mom walked to the door and looked through the peephole. She gasped excitedly and opened it. You turned around and saw Thor and Loki, dressed in normal attire. You sighed of relief, realizing Loki had convinced his brother to not wear his Asgardian armor to Thanksgiving dinner. "Guys, look who it is! Loki and Thor!" Your mom told your dad and brothers. Your brothers got up from the couch and ran to them.

They excitedly said their hellos and dragged Thor to the couch. Your dad got up to greet Thor and walked over to the door with your mom. You walked over to them before your dad could say anything. "Nice to see you again, Loki," he said, sticking out his hand. "It's good to see you too, sir," he said nervously, gripping his hand and shaking it firmly. You smiled at your dad and mouthed a 'thank you'. He nodded and smiled at you. Your mom grabbed Lokis face and gave each cheek a kiss. "It's wonderful to see you again, Loki," she smiled. Loki chuckled and said,"It's lovely to see you again too, Mrs. Y/l/n." Your parents walked away and you turned to Loki. Before he could say anything, you put your hand on his jawline and gave him a kiss.

His smiled into the kiss and put his hands on your waist. "Ew! Y/n and Loki are snogging!" Your younger brother, Michael, said. "Michael, shut it!" You scowled him. "Oh I've seen much worse," Thor said, laughing. Your older brother, John, laughed with him too. Michael pretended to throw up and you rolled your eyes. You turned back to Loki and said,"I'm sorry about them." He shook his head and said,"It's quite alright. I love the bond you have with your family." You nodded and said,"Well, they consider you family. So they are sort of your family too." He smiled and hugged you. You hugged him tightly, going on your tiptoes so you can be at the same level as him. "C'mon, let's watch the parade," you said, grabbing his hand and taking him to the living room.

"So, what's the purpose of this Midgardian holiday?" Thor asked your mom. "Well, Thanksgiving started with the Pilgrims and their harvest in the New World. It lasted three days. There were 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims," your mom explained. "Woah woah, mom. Calm down. They're from a different world, they don't even know who the Native Americans were. Heck, I didn't even know who they were," John said. Michael interjected,"Long story short, it's a holiday about being thankful that white people came to America." You snorted and your dad laughed. Thor looked as confused as ever. "Don't think too much about it, Thor. No one really knows the story behind Thanksgiving. It's a day to spend with your family and eat really good food," you said.

"Ah, okay," He said, understanding what you mean. The oven beeped and you and your mom got up. "I'll be back. I have to help my mom with the food," you said, looking back at Loki. "Here, let me help," he said, getting up and following you. You took the yams out of the oven as Loki insisted that he takes out the turkey for your mom. "Thank you," You mom said, as she added finishing touches to other foods that you and her cooked up. You and Thor set up the dinner table as your dad, brothers, and Loki put the food on the table. "If only you guys could've done this when I was cooking," your mom joked. "You know they would've just burnt down the house," you said. "Hey, I'm not that bad at cooking!" Your dad said in defense. "Yeah okay, dad. Keep telling yourself that," John said.

Time skip to after dinner

"Well, I'd call this a successful Thanksgiving," you said, laying your head on Lokis lap. "I'd have to agree. It's a shame we don't have this holiday on Asgard," Loki said as he played with your hair. "The food was delicious, Mrs. Y/l/n." Thor said. "Thank you, mommy," you and your brothers said at the same time. "Thank you, baby," your dad said to your mom, kissing her forehead as he got up and went to the kitchen to get a beer. "You're welcome everyone. Now it's 8:30, which means we put on our pajamas, pick a movie and go to bed. Chop chop, people!" Your mom said, clapping her hands. You got off of Loki and went to your room, him following you. "I think I might have some clothes that you left at my house that I brought here," you said, walking into your closet and looking through clothes.

"Ah ha, here we go," you said, pulling out a green sweater and black sweatpants. "Love the choice of color," Loki joked, looking at his own outfit of a grey t-shirt an black jeans. After Loki got dressed, you got dressed also. Picking a pair of Nike shorts and a sweatshirt. You saw everyone sitting around the living room area, circled around the tv. There was a spot on the couch that you and Loki fit into perfectly. Loki sat down and you cuddled up on his side, his arm around your shoulders and your head on his shoulder. During the movie, Loki whispered to you about how he loves your family and how he wishes he could stay with you forever. You looked up at him and kissed his jawline and then started peppering small kisses on his neck. After the movie was over you went into your room with Loki and Thor went into the room with your two brothers.

"I quite enjoyed today," Loki said after you came back from the bathroom. He was already under the soft duvet, waiting to lay next to you. "Really? You did? I'm so glad," you said, plopping on your side of the bed and shimmying under the covers. He smiled and put his arm around you as you cuddled up into him. The walls were fairly thin and you heard your brothers and Thor in the next room. "Ew, do you think they're smashing?" Michael said. "Has Loki turned into the Hulk? Why is he smashing Lady Y/n?" Thor asked. "No. Smashing means they're doing it," John said, emphasizing the last two words. You and Loki listened to the conversation. You became furious, just about ready to yell at them. Loki noticed your demeanor and laughed. "Y/n, calm down." He rubbed his hand up and down on your arm. "This is so embarrassing," you mumbled, throwing the duvet over your head.

Loki sighed and went under with you. "Y/n, it's fine," he said reassuringly. "Oh like how your mom does it with your dad," you heard Thor say. You laughed loudly then stopped, realizing what he said and then picturing it. "Ugh, that's disgusting," you heard your two brothers say. You fake barfed and then laughed, Loki joining you. He put his hand on your cheek as you smiled and leaned into his hand. He peppered kisses all over your face and cheeks, eventually making it to your lips. He gave you a long and passionate kiss. You put your hand on his neck and leaned more into the kiss. You threw your leg over his hips, straddling him. His hands went to your hips and you continued to kiss him. You stopped when you heard your brothers and Thor laugh loudly. You groaned and got off of Loki, him groaning too. "Maybe when we go to my house," you smirked, kissing his sweet spot. He shivered and started to whine,"Come on, darling."

"Think of it this way. When we get to my house, you'll be able to make me scream," you whispered in his ear. He grinned mischievously and said,"I love the sound of that." You smiled and gave him a light kiss on the lips. You cuddled into him and closed your eyes, sleep taking over your body. "I love you, Loki," you sighed. "I love you more than life itself," he said kissing your head

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