Chapter 20

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Alex's POV

Did they really think I was sleeping? I remember feeling Alix -sorry- Allie moving. I squinted and she was staring at something to our right. She called his name and they conversed for a bit. I felt pretty good. You know? I felt like she was happy.

Until he asked her for forgiveness and she said she doesn't know. She was hesitating and I didn't have to spend my whole life with her to figure that out. You could just tell by her tone. I heard a door close and I knew Allie left because I heard Austin sigh. He was trying to sort it all out in his head and I knew it.

When Allie came back he started his speech. About everything he did wrong and how sorry he was and how he just wants her to forgive him. Then they just both got quiet and I was extremely confused.

I opened my eyes and stood up as silently as possible. Looking at the embrace they pulled each other into made my heart melt. I wish I had something like that. Someone to love. Someone to show my affection towards.

Someone to show love to.

Not even the nasty love. But the real love. The feeling. The feeling that people can see. Like when you are just walking down the street and you see a couple and you can instantly tell how strong the love between them really is. I want that.

But sadly I'm a single pringle.

I clapped. I couldn't really help myself. It was like the end of the most romantic comedy or even chick flick. A smile found it's away up from my heart to my lips and finally to my cheeks. I even felt all warm inside.

Allie looked at me but didn't pull away from Austin. She just smiled and I saw tears in her eyes. But she blinked and they were immediately diminished. I wonder what she's so afraid of. I wonder why crying is something she doesn't want people to see her doing. She's beautiful when she cries. I just wish she knew that.

Austin's POV

Allie moved her head and I was confused but I didn't move. I held onto her for dear life.

My mind was spinning as I was trying to figure out what made her do this so suddenly. Why would she go from one day to the next hating my guts and with one apology just give in like this. It's just a guess but I'm sure it had to do with that Jared kid. Maybe she really likes me. It may not be in the sexual or 'more than a friend' way but maybe she wants us to be friends. And that's something I could genuinely accept. From her at least. Especially considering what I've put her through, I'm happy being friends is starting to seem like an open option. It made me feel my joy flowing through my veins.

Allies POV

I smiled at Alex. He amuses me without even trying. I wonder how long he's been up. Knowing this sneaky little - although older than me - kid, he was probably up the entire time. I mentally rolled my eyes. I didn't mind him being up or hearing everything that I said. It actually will help me because it's one less story to tell him in the future.

I pulled out of Austin's arms. And looked up into his gorgeous hazel eyes, almost losing my train of thought.

"Do you think I'm going to give in that easy?" I asked under my breath.

You go Allie! I mentally cheered myself on.

"You're going to have a lot of kissing up to do before I can fully forgive you."

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