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(Lindsey's POV)

So, yeah, I went to the art show last week. I didn't go because I had any art in it. I went to see him. Now, it seems totally obsessive, but I had a plan to talk to him. That was what I was planning on doing.

I walked up the steps of the school and zig-zagged the halls until I got into the gymnasium, where different students had their art on display. I looked for the boy, until finally I spotted the leather jacket he always wears. Now, this is when my plan decided to fail me.

Usually I'm not that nervous around new people, but this guy was different. He seemed nice and I thought he was so attractive and I had developed what the rest of the world knows as a crush. I never in all my years living and breathing on this God-forsaken planet had a crush.

As soon as I saw him, well, his back was turned to me so as soon as I saw the back of him, my knees began to shake and I felt my face redden and heat; I was blushing. He couldn't see me thank God or else I probably would've thrown up on the spot. Why me? Then, my heart began to beat faster than someone who had just run a marathon, and I felt myself get dizzy. I staggered over to the refreshment table and got some of that red juice in the punchbowl and gulped it down. It only helped a little, but that little bit was all I needed.

I slowly made my way to his art booth. It was amazing. He had a lot of still life's, a few abstract paintings of dogs with wings and skulls with tongues hanging out, and it was weirdly beautiful. Then, I saw the painting he had displayed in the front of his booth. It had a big, blue 'first place' ribbon, and it was a portrait.

A portrait of me.

Oh my God! What, why.. why did he paint me? I felt myself get dizzy and begin to blush once again. Thanks a lot to that temporary killer of all my anxiety, damned fruit punch.

He was talking to some older lady, presumably someone's parent, about the painting. I decided to listen in, since he hadn't noticed I was there and was beyond shocked.

".. yeah! Well, the inspiration for the painting was like, this 'ideal girlfriend' complex. You know, the nagging question, "if you had an ideal partner what would they look like?" That's what I decided to base the portrait on." He smiled shyly and turned around. I had been spotted.

I have never felt more uncomfortable in my life.

He began to blush and I could see the sweat beads building on his forehead, and the woman he was talking to before decided he wasn't being very good company anymore and walked away. He gnawed at his bottom lip and his right hand was very busily picking at one of the nails on his left.

"Uh...uh.. hi.. I'm Gerard..." He said warily. He began to stop picking at the nail and stuck his hand out, to shake mine.

I grasped his hand and shook it twice, before turning red all over again. I could feel the heat of his eyes on me and it sent another wave of shock down my spine.

"Hi Gerard, I'm Lindsey" I replied, trying to sound confident but with my luck I probably sounded really nervous, too.

"Well, I guess you heard everything I said to that woman over there, so uh, yeah. See, I saw you that one day in art class and I couldn't for the love of Pete get you out of my mind. I, I really couldn't. You were so exotic, so much better than the blonde bimbo's at this school. It made me really wanna get to know you better, and I just, I couldn't stop drawing your face. I don't know why, and I know it sounds creepy as hell, but I couldn't no matter how god damn hard I tried. I'm sorry if you think that I'm some creep that painted a portrait of you for the art show.." he sighed. He looked so sad when he told me all of this, and I felt sad for him. Why was he so ashamed of the fact that he painted a portrait of me for the art show? No one had ever done anything of the sort for me, so this was actually so sweet and made me so happy.

"Actually, that isn't what I thought of it at all. I thought that it was very sweet and I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to just come over and talk to you but I couldn't due to the fact that I would probably make a fool of myself, which I'm prone to doing lately. I wanna thank you for painting this and congratulations on first place, you should use my face more often, ya know?" I smirked and he chuckled. I waved goodbye and walked back out of the school and into my car.

I couldn't believe that I just had this conversation with a boy who is my first stupid crush. And he seems to like me the same. Is this real life? Can somebody please pinch me?

Gerard way, you have not seen the last of me.

Run Away With Me (Gerard and Lindsey Way AU)Where stories live. Discover now