Why am i here?

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"I've got you some food!" Doctor Leechaiyapornkul announces.

"Oh Johnny! Nice to see you awake again!" He cheered. He put down the plate of food on his desk and mentioned both to come out.

"Ohh you got pizza!" Johnny clapped his hands.

"You only got cheese pizza?" He asked judging the pizza. The doctor just nodded. Taeyong sighed and took a slice.

He forcefully ate it. He was hungry but he didn't want cheese pizza. Also, he needed to eat something so he had to eat the pizza.

Meanwhile, Johnny was enjoying his pizza while chatting with doctor Leechaiyapornkul.
He was about to take another bite when the piece that kept parts of his face together fell off, making the other pieces, like his lower jaw detach as well.

Johnny made an inhuman groan before his eyes saddened at the sight of the pieces laying on the floor.

"Hey I heard Johnny- WAHHHH!- oh my god!" Ten shouted and quickly look out his taser.

Once he noticed it was just Johnny he straightened himself up and put away the taser. "So eh you're awake now..?" He asked scratching his back.

Johnny nodded and picked up the pieces.

The doctor sighed and tried glueing the pieces together.

"Did you even go to school?" Tens dad asked ten. The young boy just looked away.

"Did you skip school again?" The Doctor glared at him.

"There are rumors..." ten mumbled. His dads eyes softened. "What for rumors?" He asked. Ten glanced at all the bodies.

"W-where am I..?" A soft voice asked. He seemed so terrified. Everyone's head snapped towards the voice.

"What do you remember?" Ten asked the young boy. He stared at ten for a brief second before speaking up.

"...I remember being dragged away from school... after that everything is just a blur." He told them.

Ten and his dad kept looking at each other.

"If the rumors are true we need to get Tern." Ten said and rummaged through stuff to get his phone.

"She's in a meeting with the elites in district 1. If we suddenly come to pick her up they might know something is going on and they'll most likely follow us." Doctor leechaiyapornkul said.

"What do we do now then?" Ten sighed.

"Why even are we here?" Jisung asked.

Everyone looked away. Ignoring the boy's question.

"The real question is, how did you guys wake up even before- you know- did?" Tens eyes flickered between the boys and the other bodies laying there.

"Do you think the rumors are true?" Taeyong asked. "If they are true, we need to get my sister out of district 1 and get the hell out of this place." Ten said and logged into one of the computers.

Ten was frantically typing away on the computer before curse words came from his mouth. "Fuck fuck fuck! she's already at the headquarter! What do we do now?" He sulked in his chair.

"Uhm... you know.. I still have no idea what this whole thing is about and I don't even know where I am and why I'm here." Jisungs soft voice echoed in the room.

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-ash & Kevin

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