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"Be my first. I want you to take my virginity."

Johnny paused with the cheeseburger halfway to his mouth.

When he realized that Taeyong wasn't going to say anything else, he set the burger on his plate with as much careful precision as he would've used when handling a bomb.

He grabbed tissue from the table and wiped his hands clean with equal care.

Only after that did he lean back in his seat and meet Taeyong's eyes, which were regarding him with a hesitant, earnest expression.

There was no glint of their normal humor. Taeyong appeared to be one hundred percent serious.

And that fact made Johnny one hundred percent terrified.

"Come again?" he finally said, for lack of anything better. Because he must have misheard.

There was no way in hell his best friend's eighteen-year-old brother had just said those words.

Over lunch. In the middle of a diner. With an old, white-haired couple sitting right behind them.

When Taeyong had approached him and said he needed some advice, Johnny had been perfectly willing to lend an ear.

He figured as a teenager, the kid probably didn't have very many people to talk to about boyfriends or relationships in general.

And since he and Taeyong's older brother, Sehun, had been friends practically since birth, it made sense that Taeyong would come to him.

Taeyong had been trailing after them since he was old enough to walk, always underfoot and wanting to be involved in whatever he and Sehun were doing.

Over the years Johnny had started to think of him as just another little brother to add to the brood that constantly annoyed him when he was at home.

Until Taeyong's 17th birthday party when Johnny had caught Taeyong making out with one his classmates in the basement. One of his male classmates.

That day, Johnny had learned he and Taeyong had one very big thing in common. And he would've been lying if he said his perception of Taeyong hadn't changed after that.

He started to notice things, like how Taeyong's skin was the perfect shade of pale gold, and his smile sort of took Johnny's breath away, and how his tight little body was the type wet dreams were made of.

But the more he'd noticed the harder Johnny had fought to keep Taeyong locked away in the platonic, no-sexual-feelings-allowed section of his mind.

If sometimes he failed and his thoughts wandered into fantasy territory at the sight of Taeyong without a shirt, well, that was between him and his traitorous brain. (No one else would ever have to know.)

So, Johnny had listened to Taeyong's story about the guy he'd been dating toward the end of his senior year.

The guy who had cheated on Taeyong and then broken up with him because he wasn't willing to waste his time on a "frigid little shit who wouldn't put out."

Taeyong's eyes were shining with tears as he told that part and Johnny's stomach had clenched with anger and sympathy.

But Taeyong didn't need a guy like that and Johnny had told him so.

There would be other guys. Better guys. Someone like that wasn't worth tears.

Taeyong had nodded and agreed.

Then, not five minutes later, those words had come out of his mouth.

Words that Johnny still wasn't sure he'd heard right.

People didn't just burst out with things like that over french fries and milkshakes in crowded.

"Be my first. I want you to take my virginity," Taeyong repeated.

Johnny blinked at him.


So those words hadn't actually been some sort of warped, sugar-induced auditory hallucination.

"I thought that's what you said."

"Just...just hear me out before answer, please?"

"Look, I don't think this is the best place for this conversation."

Johnny inclined his head toward the family of five seated at a round table a few feet away from them.

Taeyong glanced over at the table and nodded.

"I guess that's right. But can we talk about it on the ride back?"

Johnny sighed and raked his fingers through his hair.

Taeyong's virginity was not a topic he wanted to discuss, especially when it pertained to him being the one to divest Taeyong of said virginity.

But he and Taeyong had a twenty minute drive back to the shop. And it wasn't like he could gag Taeyong to keep him from talking on the way there.

"Fine. We'll talk about it in the car."

"Great," Taeyong said with a grin.

He calmly went back to his food as if he hadn't dropped a bombshell on Johnny's head a few minutes before.

Johnny, however, found that his appetite was gone.

Looked like he would be taking that burger home after all.

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