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"Hyung, you can pretend I never asked, okay? I won't ever ment—"


Both Johnny's voice and the gentle grip on his chin made Taeyong look up.

He turned his head and met Johnny's gaze, and those eyes weren't unreadable anymore.

They were filled with heat, and the sight of them made a sudden surge of lust unfurl in Taeyong's belly.

"I want you," Johnny said, and those three words were even hotter than that look. "Don't ever doubt it."

And then Johnny kissed him.

Such a simple word, kiss.

It really didn't sound all that special. And it was nowhere near good enough to describe what was happening between Johnny and Taeyong just then.

Because, yeah, it felt like he'd been waiting for it that long, and that kiss had just changed his entire world.

Johnny's lips on his were somehow both soft and firm at once.

His tongue was sneaking in little tastes, just barely there flicks that made Taeyong want to scream in frustration, if he could bear to pull his mouth away long enough to do so.

But he couldn't, and eventually his patience was rewarded with the slow sweep of Johnny's tongue over his.

That was all it took, that slow, sensuous glide, to set them off like a powder keg.

Somehow, Johnny slid further back on the bed and Taeyong was straddling his lap.

Their mouths fused together, locked in a desperate kiss that showed no signs of ending.

Taeyong pushed down, and Johnny thrust up, and they were grinding. Yes, grinding.

And it was hot and frantic and a whole other list of adjectives that Taeyong's mind was too fogged by lust to process.

All he could hear in his head was more more more.

After one particularly intense kiss that had Taeyong begging to be released from the confines of his jeans, Johnny pulled away.

Taeyong whined and tried to capture his mouth again, but Johnny laughed and shook his head.

That was okay, though, because from the sound of it, and the feel of Johnny's arousal beneath him, Taeyong knew Johnny wasn't laughing at him.

And Johnny didn't stay away very long, only for the time it took him to strip off Taeyong's T-shirt and yank his own tank top over his head.

Then they were kissing again, bare chest to bare chest, and the press of warm skin and hard muscle made Taeyong's entire body shudder with want.

When Johnny pushed at his shoulders, Taeyong gave in to his urgings and laid flat on the mattress.

He spread his thighs just wide enough to
accommodate Johnny's narrow hips and his hands settled on Johnny's back to make him closer, the lengths of their cocks straining against the layers of denim and cotton that separated them.

As Johnny moved above him, rocking their pelvises together, Taeyong kissed any part of Johnny he could reach—the line of his jaw, the shell of his ear, the hollow at the base of his throat—before finally making his way back to Johnny's mouth.

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