Birthday Surprise

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About 6 years ago

Emma opened a box and her bright smile went to a terrified, shocked, frown. She just looked at it. It was a small pure wolf pup. It was pure white and had the brightest blue eyes.

"I don't like wolves!" She screamed and stormed off to her room. Her friends followed after her. The little wolf just sat in the box. This wolf pup was one of the most intelligent animal in the world. Almost like a person. It had feelings and knew what to do when she was told.

It was Emma's Birthday, and she was enjoying her day, until her parents got her one present, and she didn't even like it!

The wolf pouted after it heard what she said and just laid down inside the box.

"Poor thing," Charlotte said picking up the wolf from the box. "She hasn't even given you a name yet."

Charlotte was Emma's mother, and Charlie was her dad.

"Its the cutest thing. How could she not like her." charlie wondered.


After the party, her friends left. Emma waved them goodbye as they went into their parents car and drove off.

Charlotte came into Emma's room with the wolf pup.

"Its really sweet and intelligent. It'll listen to you." Her mother told her in a soft voice, as she put down the wolf pup.

"I don't like wolves!" Emma yelled. She really didn't. To her, they just seemed so weird and dangerous.

"You'll like her. Why dont you give her a name?"

"Do I have to? It looks like a stuffed animal. It doesn't need a name." Emma scolded. To Emma, the pup was super cute but she didn't want to back down on what she had been saying. But the first name that she thought of was Lilly.

"That's a little rude. She's alive just like you and me. Now, what were you going to name her?" Her mother asked for the last time.

"But It doesn't have feelings like we do. So I can call it whatever i want!" Emma crossed her arms and looked away. Her mother sighed.

"Well, it's going to sleep in your room tonight. Maybe in the morning you'll like her company." Then her mother left and closed the door behind her. Emma just rolled her eyes. There was an awkward silence. Emma sat on her bed with her legs and arms crossed. Emma glared at the pup. The pup just sat by the door and stared back at her, except her eyes were sweet and gentle like.

"Lilly," Emma said in an aggressive tone. The pup stood up and wagged her tail and barked happily. After that Lilly ran up to Emma and tackled her playfully. Lilly licked Emma's cheek.

"Ewww," Emma said sarcastically while laughing.

After about an hour of playing they were tired and went to sleep. Emma was in her covers while Lilly curled up ontop of the covers and leaned against Emma.

How did you like it?

This chaoter was the shirtext chapter, just wanted to introduce them and explain how they met. This is my first story so I'm trying my best to make the beginning interesting, but I promise it'll get better through out the story. I'll probably publish recently and won't take long breaks after every chapter. Bye!

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