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Narrator P.O.V

Lilly walked confidently into the Dark Wolves Kingdom. She earned many death glares and growls. One even tried to attack, but Lilly was quick enough to attack back, sending them back.

"When is Nyx?" Lilly asked any of the wolves, glaring at them with no emotion.

The wolves sneered as they looked at each other. She glared at them and let out a low growl. 

"Why would we tell you?"
"What's it to you?"
"Like we would tell you!"
"Youre just a pretty little wol-"

Before he finished, she jumped up in front of him and clawed his forehead. It bled fastly, and they got into fighting positions.

Before they could pounce and finish there fight, Nyx stepped off of the tip of the tall rock. "Enough!" He yelled.

Nyx looked at Lilly, then jumped off the rock to confront her. "What do you want?" He asked harshly.

She sent him another glare before replying calmly. "Stop the war."

"What?!" He barred his teeth into a snarl.

"You heard me, stop the war!" She repeated. The Dark Wolves were murmuring to each other and growled lowly.

"Why would I do that?!" He bellowed.

"If You think about it, no body wins! If I win, you die, and your plans backfire, but if you win I die, and Light Wolves became slaves to the Dark. It just won't work," she explained harshly.

"Oh but it will. I'll show you! And it's a benefit for us if I win, maybe not for you, but why should we care? You guys never cared. We won't either!"

Never cared.. NEVER CARED?! She thought.

"I can't believe you!" Lilly said as she pounced onto Nyx. The other wolves started to take action and go after Lilly.

All the Dark Wolves were gaining on Lilly, just a single Light Wolf. It didn't seem fair at first, but it was.

-------- Lilly's P.O.V

This is the end. This is were I die.. I thought as the wolves starting piling onto of me. But just then, something happened. I was in a dark place. No light at all. Then there was a blue laser that shot up into the pitched black sky. Where am I? Iasked myself, but I said it out loud.

That's weird, I'm thinking it but it's coming from somewhere. I can hear what myself is thinking. Is this my head? It's empty. My thoughts? Nothing..

"That's what you think," A woman said. She looked like an angel. She had a white gown, blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. She had wings and a halo, but her skin was a light blue.

Are you an angel? I asked.

"No. I'm your power, in more of an angel form," she said smiling.

What? I asked, seriously confused.

"So kinda like this," she said and turning into a swirl of blue. (Media)

I poked her nose on the blue and immediately I was back out of her head. I was surrounded by wolves, and they all pounced at once. All of a sudden, a blast of wind spreaded and hit all of the wolves and they all flew back. I got into a fighting position. I was ready to fight, I think.

Some of the wolves got back up to fight again, some ran away, and a few got injured badly. One got hit into a huge rock. Another scratched her face. But Nyx, he stood his ground and just got pushed back. He dug his claws in the ground from where he was trying to hold on from flying back.

"How?" Was all Nyx managed.

I grinned. "Maybe you should give up on the war, Now that you know I'm more powerful than you'll ever be!" 

"I will kill you," he told me, his eyes turning into slits.

"No you wont!" I shot back. He won't, he wouldn't.

"Watch me!"

How was it?

I hope you enjoyed. Also the war is coming up! Uh only 671 words, but I have to keep them in order.


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