I'm back

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Lilly's P.O.V

I caught Emma's scent and me and Drake were following it. We walked down a path of beautiful flowers, I didn't care about them at all. Every now and then Drake would get surprised attacked by the sun light and had have to wait a second before moving again. It slowed me down. The it was the 8th time, and I didn't stop. Drake was getting weaker by every touch.

"LILLY!" He screamed my name. Uh.

"What?!" I spat out irritated.

"Umm, can I ride on you?"

I want to bite his face off right now, but now not the time. I hurried my little butt over there and saved his ass.

"You owe me," I growled.

"Y-yes madam!" He screeched. Annoying.

"Come on fat butt, let's go." I said, I also got an idea. Hehe..

I was going to use my super speed, even though it drains a lot of my magic, for now.

I zoomed so fast, the leaves on the ground flew in the air on the ground.

"SLOW DOWN-" I stopped instantly and that Drake flew toward into a bush. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Owwwww....." he said from a distant, I was still laughing my head off, rolling on the ground, when another scent caught my nose. I smell another wolf... I know who it is too...

"Hey, get up and follow me!" I yelled as I took off in another direction.

"H-Hey, wait for me!!" He yelled back, pulling himself together and running after me.

"No, how about you hurry up!" I shot back.

I got a stream, a familiar face looked up at me.

"Apollo?" It asked quietly, "Cybele?" I asked, my eyes swelling up with happy tears. Her tears were just falling silently.

"Its been to long," she said as she ran up to me, my tears starting to fall. "I missed you," I said as had a 'wolf hug'. I can't believe it..

"So what have you been doing now a'days?" I asked her.

"Well, protecting nature for sure. You know, ever since you've been gone, well actually like 4 years ago, there's been numerous Dark Wolf attacks. I also so heard," she whispered this next part into my ear, "that the giants are teaming up with the Dark Wolves, and the vampires are teaming up with us Light Wolves."

I looked back at Drake and smiled, "Heh, that's good to know." Vampires were a lot much stronger than giants, maybe not attack wise, but defiantly smarter than giants will ever be.

"Yeah, and what have you been up too?" She asked returning my question.

"Well I've been looking for.... someone...." I told her. I didn't want to tell her that a human was in the forest. She can be over dramatic, like a lot.

"Hey, there was a human passing by, she said she knew you, is that who youre looking for?" She asked me, she was smiling, hmmmm..

"Yes, actually yes.. aren't you scared?" I asked her, I was happy on the inside, but confused on the outside.

"Oh she just stopped by. We talked, she said your name was Lilly, well I think that's an adorable name! It fits you perfectly!"

She always got off track easily.

"Ok, thanks, umm, where did she go after she got done talking to you?"

"Uhh, she walked over there, can't you pick up her scent?" She asked me.

"Her scent is combined with your scent too, so I can't." I told her.

"Oh, well you better hurry. I think I heard dark wolves over there, I'm just leaving to the barriers, wanna come?" She asked me if I wanted to come, like really?!?

"Uh I can't, remember I gotta go get Emma?"

"Well come stop by once you get her, I'm sure everyone would be happy to see you again!" She said and walked off. I really missed that girl. It was always, Nyx, Cybelle, Hades, and I. We were the four inseparable friends back then, till I left.


When I got back from the pond, I saw Drake sitting under a tree, taking a nap.

Uhh, I should just leave him here, I would if Cybele didn't tell me that the Dark Wolves were over here.

I went over to him, and got right next to his ear, he didn't realize surprisingly.

"WAKE UPPPPPP!!!!!!!" I yelled super loud in his ear.

He immediately got up and screamed the girlish scream i have ever heard. I couldn't help but laugh.


"You were asleep, so I woke you up."


"Stop yelling you big cry baby." I said rolling my eyes at him, while gently smiling.

"I CAN BARELY HEAR, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!" He yelled and my smiled faded and I got irritated. Shut up!

"Hello, Apollo," I heard a dark husky voice call my name behind me. Nyx..

Cliff hanger, but if your reading this, then you can just go to the next chapter anyway.

Word count: 831

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