The start of the war

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Emma's P.O.V

Me and Drake walked into the "evil" zone. He's says there called "dark wolves" whatever the hell that means.

"Hey Drake," I started, "What happens if Lilly isn't there?" I asked. I was scared of the Dark Wolves. I don't know exactly what they are, but they can't be good.

"Well, then we run back," he said.


"Because it's dangerous here, and if Lilly's there then she could maybe protect us, but we're not even planing on staying, so if Lilly is here, we grab her and go," he explained.

I want to explore though. If Lilly is there, I'm defiantly going exploring.

"Lilly may be powerful, but you can't estimate her strength. She doesn't even know her full power yet," he told me.

"Lilly is plenty strong enough to explore just a little bit!"

"No we are not going exploring! Even if Lilly is there!"

"She's powerful, she could easily grow and take 'em all out!" I exclaimed.

"No she cant! She can grow big but she can not just take them all out. Powerful to you is like, barely powerful here, and these wolves can take her down easily even if she is big."

"FALSE!" I protested, "She can stomp on them and bam they dead!"

"Nope, they'll practically be immune to the effect," he said and rolled him eyes.


It was silent the rest of the way.

When we got there, Lilly was not there, and all the wolves looked at us, growled and what not. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but Drake could. I jus kinda stood behind Drake for protection.

"We don't mean any harm, we just wanted to know if Apollo was here?" He asked the wolves.

Apollo? He name is Lilly. Who's Apollo? I came here for Lilly, what does he mean Apollo? I thought.

"Who's Apollo?" I asked Drake.

"Apollo was Lilly's name before she was sent off to your house," he explained.

"Oh, tell them her new name is Lilly then," I insisted.

Drake sighed, then wolvestold the wolves that her name was Lilly and that they should address her as Lilly and not Apollo.

"Where's Lilly anyway," I asked Drake.

"I don't know, ask them!" He blurted out.

"I can't ask them, they can't understand me!" I whispered yelled.

"No, you can't understand them, then can understand you though. I'll tell you what they say."

"But I nervous, what if I say the wrong thing?"

"Just be polite."

"Ok, then," I started. "So umm, what have you guys done with Lilly?!" I asked. I think I came off as angry to them because they did not look happy.

"Great, now you've pissed them off and screwed up, good job," he mocked.

"No time for awards, we need to get out of here, NOW!" I screamed the last last as I bolted out of there, but the wolves started chasing me! And drake was close behind the wolves but they didn't seem to care about him!

"HELP MEEEEEE!!!" I screamed hoping Lilly would just pop out of nowhere at the last moment. But she didn't. I kept running even though they were right there behind me.

"IM SORRY!! DONT EAT MEEE!!" I screamed as I ran even faster. I don't know how I wasn't dead but I could feel the tears coming.

I decided to scream one last thing before my fate.


Just as I thought I was dead, a pack of white wolves came out  of the forest and started running towards me.

I don't know if I should be happy or worried, because I don't know if they want to help me or eat me, or if they're mad at me for making loud noises...

Just then I saw Lilly come out of the forest too. I'm saved!

Lilly was faster then all the wolves and quickly ran past them. I saw her tackle a Dark Wolf and the other White Wolves started to tackle the Dark Wolves.

Drake was by my side now, and all of these wolves were fighting.

"What's going on?" I asked as I saw more Light Wolves and Dark Wolves join in. There were about 40 on the wolves on each side. So about 80 wolves were fighting.

"The war between Light and Dark Wolves..." he told me and explained everything to me.

"How did you know? You were with me the whole time," I asked.

"Well, as I was running, I heard a couple wolves talk about it that were in the back by me."

"What happens if Lilly's dies, what happens to me?" I asked Drake. The thought of that made my eyes swell up with tears.

"You don't need to worry about that, because she won't die, I promise." He said. He comforted me and we watched from a distance. We saw fire and ice just coming from the wolves and there were wolves glowing and it looked like a hot mess. Some just attacked naturally.

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