Harry is the new gay kid in school. Louis gets paid to take him out on a date to mess with him because he finds him hot and to take a little revenge. What happens when Harry finds out Louis has a girlfriend ? What happens when Louis starts catching...
Harry was even more embarrassed now. Obviously he wasn't "jealous" because there was nothing to be jealous of. It was his mother, and he meant it sarcastically. OBVIOUSLY. But regardless, the red blush was evident on his cheeks, with a shy, embarrassed smile-sorta-frown, hanging on his face.
He grunted in annoyance which was rather cute than "manly" and grabbed the pizza box from Louis' hand and ran upstairs.
"Uh Harry wait."
"Time, tide and hungry Harry wait for no man." is all he said before sprinting upstairs with the pizza box in his hand.
Louis seemed to be a little tense. Anne apologised to Louis for Harry's bad behaviour and said he's never like that but Louis told her not to worry about it, after all friends have the permit to joke around with each other.
Louis hurried up the small chat with Anne and practically sprinted upstairs, heart beat fast and hands sweaty.
He opened the door to reveal Harry siting on the centre of his bed with the large pizza box opened like a laptop in front of him and he stared at it like his life depended on it.
"Ha-Harry uhm" Louis hesitated to speak as he looked at Harry, who seemed to be completely unaware of his surroundings. He was in a state of mind that felt warm in his rapidly beating heart but a hard lump in his throat.
After seconds of staring at the open pizza box, Harry looked up to Louis who stood near the door frame nervously playing with his fingertips.
"It's extra cheese." Louis raised his eyebrows and smiled a little to show enthusiasm.
"I'm uhh... a little uh... confused ?" Harry said.
Louis walked over to him and sat next to him which revealed the open pizza box.
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"See listen, I know this is very random, and out of the blue and I completely understand if you want to say no and I'll be completely supportive of it and we can pretend it never happened if you think that this won't work. And this may not be new to you, because you've gone out with a bunch of guys and I'm sure you've had boyfriends back home but this is all very very new to me so, so uhm if you wanna say no, just do it, we'll eat the pizza and pretend those words were never written from a sharpie which I stole from a six year old girl in the park."
"Oh my god, Louis I'm-" "I'm afraid I can't say what you want me to say." "See..."
"You don't have to explain anything to me, Harry it's alright, I understand you, and I'm supportive of it. Don't worry, things won't be awkward between us, and even if they are, I'll try my best to not make them as awkward as-"
"Louis, Louis, Louis" "I said yes, what are you going on about?"
"I said Si, it's Spanish for yes, what you want me to teach you Spanish along with geography too now ?"