Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chuck dragged Caia into the janitors closet so they could have a private place to talk. Caia hated being in the small room, especially considering what had happened only a few days prior.

"You're not going to try to kiss me or something, right?" She questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

Chuck chuckled. "If I did that, you'd probably punch my teeth in." Caia shrugged. It was pretty true. Chuck looked Caia up and down. "You are looking pretty good, though, Sinclair. You still with Mantle?"

Caia's body became rigid. "No."

Chuck raised his eyebrows at the short response. "I take it that it didn't end well?" He stated, a hint of questioning in his voice.

Caia sighed. "No. No it did not." She uncrossed her arms. "What do you want, Clayton?"

Chuck leaned up against the wall. "Well, first I guess I should appologise. For, you know, everything." Caia blinked at the blanket statement. She wasn't sure whether or not he was being sincere.

"Thanks, I guess," She replied.

Chuck stood up off the wall and crossed over to Caia. Caia took a step back, unsure of what was happening.

Her eyes widened as she became trapped between the wall and Chuck. She was considering kicking him in the balls when he began to talk. "I was just going to propose we become friends. But now that I see you're done with Mantle, I think we might become something else." He raised his hands and placed them on Caia's hips. Her breath hitched in her throat at the touch.

She shook off the moment and pushed Chuck's hands off her. She shook her head and looked up at Chuck. "Why in the world would I do that?" She asked. "The last time we went out you spread a bunch of rumors about me."

"Yeah, and I said I was sorry for that," Chuck replied. "This time will be different. I promise."

Caia bit her lip. This didn't seem like a good idea at all, but her judgement was a little clouded by Chuck's captivity. "Okay, but only one kiss," She stated. Barely after she had finished, Chuck was bring her face up to his and connecting their lips.

Caia wrapped her arms around his kneck, her eyes closed. Suddenly, they shot open as she realized what she was doing. She pushed Chuck away from her. She ran her fingers through her hair anxiously. "Oh god, what the hell am I doing?" She looked up at Chuck, who still looked smug.

"Enjoying yourself, baby," he replied with a smirk.

Caia raised her eyebrows. "Wow, Chuck. I'm done now." With that, she pushed by Chuck and charged towards the door. Before she could leave, Chuck grabbed her arm.

"I let you go once, I'm not letting it happen again," he hissed.

Caia tried to free her arm from Chuck's grasp, but he was really strong. She brought her hand up and pinched the skin on the inside of his elbow. He immediately brought his arm back in recoil.

"Chuck, I don't care who you think you are, but if a girl says no, she says no. I kissed you, yes, but that does not give you the right to pretend like you own me." She spat.

Chuck's nose flared in anger. "How come you can get with Reggie, but not me?" He questioned.

Caia glared at him. "First of all, at least Reggie was actually a decent person. At first, anyway. Second, I didn't 'get with' Reggie anyway."

Chuck laughed. "That's probably why he cheated on you," he stated.

Caia sucked in a shallow breath. Could that be it? She pushed past Chuck and succeeded in getting out the door this time.

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