Facing The Past

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The next few days had actually been pretty good. You almost felt like a prince of some monarchy with Steve pampering and spoiling you. The only con of dating Captain America? Boy was he a physical person. He loved touching you, kissing your cheeks (since he had taken the hint you weren't really ready for actual kissing) and even lifting you up the ground a couple of times. Okay maybe that wouldn't seem a con to most people but it was to you. Every time he touched you, it was always in a possessive way and you felt undermined being manhandled in the way.

No matter how hard you tried, your mind couldn't help but fluster its way back to the memories of your dead ex boyfriend. This was your first relationship after him and it just wasn't easy for you. And with Steve? He was so fast paced. Everything was okay and smooth in his eyes when it just wasn't.

"What was his name?" Steve had asked you once. You had been watching a movie in Steve's room but his mind was definitely not concerned with even the slightest idea of what was going on in the movie. 

You sighed. "Dave." You mumbled, already regretting mentioning him to Steve. Earlier the same day, he had asked you why you'd been so distant and you had explained to him how everything about this relationship was bringing back stuffed memories that you hadn't dealt with when you needed to and now they were haunting you.

"Did you love him?" He asked, looking down at you. He had his arm around you but still maintained a safe distance like you had politely asked him to.

You gulped, knowing this conversation was pretty much inevitable. "We were engaged." You said, looking down at your hands and the empty ring finger that you had once proudly pranced around with a platinum ring on it.

"Oh." He said, his heart dropping a little.

"Can we not talk about it?" You stated more than asked just like you had said to every other person who had tried to comfort you.

"No." Steve said, his hand reaching out to hold yours. "We need to talk about it, Y/N. And something tells me you really do need to talk about it." And that was when you looked at him in the eye. He was different. His voice didn't have sympathy for you, he seemed to really care about you and not Dave's death like other people.

"I just... I mean it's not like you have to worry about him or anything." You tried to joke and chuckled a little.

But Steve only frowned more, "Y/N." He said, concerned.

You took a deep breath and sighed. You grabbed the remote and shut off the movie, "Alright. He was a senior when I was at the SHIELD academy. We had each been assigned to a senior on a mission which was pretty much a game that we used to play at the academy to sharpen our skills. I hated him at first." You chuckled. "Like seriously. Hated him to the very core. We fought a lot that day." You said, your eyes brimming with tears as your chuckles ceased. "We lost badly  and I was clearly mad. So when we got back to our quarters, I pretty much ranted about the game in the common room to my friends but hadn't noticed that Dave was there as well. So I had this habit of reading in the common room late alone and then that night, after everybody had left, he walked in."

"Don't you have training at five in the morning?" Dave asked nonchalantly, occupying the vacant seat in front of you.

You looked up and narrowed his eyes, "Don't you have potty training at four? Seriously, what kind of a guy takes a whole minute to recalibrate?"

Dave sighed, "Look. I'm sorry, I messed up. Okay? I didn't know the game meant so much to you." He said, crossing his legs as he sat more comfortably and rather weirdly on the chair.

"Yeah. No shit, Sherlock." You rolled your eyes. He tilted his head in confusion at you. "Please don't tell me you don't know Sherlock." You almost gasped to which Dave chuckled.

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now