For You

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"What are you doing here?" You said, your brows furrowed. Even though the injury on your hand was still fresh but you had carefully wrapped it and still made it to the arena for training as Fury had assigned you to. What you weren't expecting though, was Dave to be there.

"Fury thought it'd be apt for you to receive training under me, given our past together." He said, his face expressionless.

His words stabbed you right through your heart. Past? Sure, you had turned him down yourself when he came back but to think that Dave was really going to move on that easy... It hurt. You weren't sure why, but it did. Perhaps, a part of you lived in a hope to be able to get back together with him someday.

You gulped, "I'd like to talk to Fury." You said, keeping your voice steady. It was still difficult for you to hold your poise with him standing in front of you. It was hard for you to not doubt if it's all still just a dream. It was hard for you wish that it really was a dream.

"Weapon of choice?" Dave asked. You sighed and turned to leave the room. You walked towards the door when Dave spoke up again. "Jarvis, get the doors, please." He said and the doors locked down before you could event reach them.

"What?" You turned to look at Dave again, your hands clenched into fists as you tried to hide the fact that you were trembling badly.

"Weapon of choice?" He asked once again. You only narrowed your eyes at him. You wanted nothing more than to leave the room. It was suffocating you, the pain and the conundrums. Were you or were you not still in love with Dave? If not, why did it still hurt you to stand in front of him and hear him say that your relationship is in the past? Of course it was in the past. Yet, it still hurt. It hurt really bad. "Barehand it is." Dave said which brought you back to the reality.

Before you knew it, you felt a sharp pain on your cheek and were thrown back a little. You touched your cheek and noticed a blunt cut which was starting to bleed. Dave had just punched you. "What the fuck?" You saw the blood on your hand and looked at Dave.

"Come on, Y/N. I'll have to know where you stand if I'm going to have to train you. And if anything, I don't suppose it's anything different than what you have with Steve. Take a couple of punches, sit back and shut up. Right?" Dave said, his eyes locked with yours. You could see that he was angry.

Of course, he was. He had every right to be. Even if you didn't want to be with Dave again, he was absolutely disgusted that you of all people would decide to be with someone like Steve.

He used to admire you for your confidence and independent personality. But to see you get thrown around by Steve while you said nothing? It made his blood boil. This wasn't the Y/N he fell in love with. This wasn't the Y/N he came back for.

"You know nothing about us." You said, intimidated by his glare and stance.

"I do know everything about you. And trust me, this isn't you. Which makes this a whole lot easier." He said and launched himself at you again.

He was fast, much faster than you remembered. And you were way out of practice, much slower. Somehow, you managed to dodge his first hit and tried to knock him to the ground. Alas, he already had a second hit prepared. His fist caught you in the gut and you balled up, feeling nauseous as soon as he hit you.

You saw that his left foot was free and grabbed it, turning him over as you lifted his feet and threw him off. You were a bit surprised that you actually pulled it off but didn't let it get to you. You straddled his chest, locking his arms under your knees and punched him hard.

Dave wasn't phased at all though. He still looked up at you with that same anger in his eyes. "Not bad for Captain America's bitch." He said.

His words hit you hard and before you could grab some sense of control over yourself, you were landing blows after blows. With your jaws clenched together, you stopped and got off of him but before he could get back on his feet, you grabbed him by the hem of his collar and pushed him to the wall behind him.

"You left." You said, your tone as sharp as it could get. "You fucking left me." You said and punched him again. "So you do not get to judge me." You and kneed him this time. Dave was starting to lose his stance and it was showing.

"Is this what it's about?" He asked but only received another blow for a reply. "That I left?" He continued nonetheless. "Are you seriously not able to understand the fact that I was out there saving the world?" He asked, his voice louder than it was before.

"At the cost of us?!" You yelled and punched him again. "Is that what it was? What we were? Something to just fucking dispose off when-" you were cut off when Dave slipped from your hold and got behind you, locking your arms behind your back as he pushed you to the wall so you were rendered motionless.

"I did not dispose off our love." He growled. "I loved you still the same when I was out risking my life for the world. To be able to make the world a better place for you to live in." He said, his voice dangerously low. "Everything I did, I did it for you. I died for you, I lived for you. So don't you fucking dare tell me that I sacrificed our love for the greater good of the world that I don't even fucking care about." He said and you could feel his grip on your arms get tighter by the second. "Because I did it for you. You were my world."

This really was as unlike Dave as it could get. Dave was always the one to remain calm and crack random jokes every now and then just to keep the environment light. So the fact that he had you pinned down against the wall and was obviously yearning to hit you made you realise how mad he must've been.

And even that wasn't for you, you couldn't help but remind yourself. Dave did mention that he wasn't mad about you not choosing him. He was mad that you were letting Steve use you like that. That thought stirred emotions in all the bad ways. Steve did love you, you told yourself.  He just has different ways of expressing it.

You hadn't even realised when Dave let go of you and left, leaving you to be in the room by yourself. You felt stinging pain in your hand when you supported yourself on the wall. You removed the bandages and saw that the stitches hadn't burst open but were still in bad condition so you decided to go to the medical facility.

It wasn't exactly necessary but you did not want to go back to your room with Steve just yet. Not with Dave's words still in your head, at least. You got in the elevator but stopped when you were about to click on the floor for the medical facility. Your finger hovered over the button, your mind filled with thoughts you were not sure if you could ever fathom.

"Jarvis?" You called.

"Yes, sir?"

"What floor is Dave on?"

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now