Forward Is The Way

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As much as you'd hate to admit it, Steve was quite possibly the best husband you could ask for. He was nothing but kind and caring towards you until you got better. At night, when Jarvis informed him that your fever was on a high again, he came running to your room. He made you a snack and had you eat the right medicines. After that, he never left. He stayed right next to you and kept checking your temperature throughout the night.

You were all better by the next evening and you felt a certain change in the atmosphere all of a sudden. You could see Steve's brighter side now. You wondered if something had happened that made Steve kinder or was it your mere perception that brought the change. Nonetheless, things had gotten much easier.

Talking about the brighter things, here you were with the team at the headquarters getting briefed up on your next mission.

"I want Y/N to lead this time." Steve said, making everyone look at him.

Nobody opposed his prepositions and you were made in charge for the next mission. This was your second official mission and with borderline mediocre experience from your last one, you embraced this one with a better attitude. Especially since things had patched up between you and Steve.

"Why'd you do that?" you asked Steve once you got out.

"I wanted to apologise for the last mission. I don't want you to feel like I don't believe in you." Steve said with an apologetic smile.

"Oh, thank you." you smiled back at him. You understood well enough how worrisome it must've already been for Steve to let you, the new guy, lead the mission. And in all honesty, you were a little nervous as well but you sure as hell wanted to do this. There was no backing off.

As you took the elevator, Steve held your hand and stood with you. When you reached parking, you saw Tony already waiting for you by his car. "Oh, right. I forgot to tell you, I actually have to go with Tony. He asked me if I could help him with something." you said and let go of his hand, "I'll see you later, okay?"

"What? But-" alas, Steve couldn't even finish his sentence before you had already taken off towards Tony. Steve felt a bit uncertain about you driving with Tony and everything but he couldn't say anything. Not right now, especially. He knew he was being watched especially when he was with you, just didn't know who it was.


"Still not picking up, huh?" Tina looked over at Sharon who was still rumbling over her phone.

Sharon sighed, "Yeah."

"You know, I've heard he's pretty serious about this Y/N guy." Tina said with a raised brow.

Sharon merely rolled her eyes, "It's not like that. I was just thinking about maybe setting things right. We kinda ended with bad terms and it's been bugging me."

"Do you really think he'd let you have a closure after all of that mess?" Tina joked.

"Well, I hope he does."


"You alright now? Jarvis told me about your flu." Tony asked as he poured himself a glass of champagne while Happy drove to his other office building.

"Yeah, I'm much better now." you said awkwardly as you sipped on your choice of drink.

"Cap alright?"

"Yep. Everything on your side?"

Tony rolled his eyes all of a sudden, "God, this couldn't get one awkward. Alright, so how's the sex?" Tony asked, making you spit out whatever you were drinking.

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now