Chapter thirty

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A few weeks have passed since.. well.. me and Cayden properly ended.

A lot has changed, I guess.

Chloe has now become friends with the cheerleaders, who she always used to give out about, which shows the type of person she is.

The rest of us have somehow managed to get over the awkwardness between me and Cayden. Mikey and him had already done the thing of getting over it really quickly before we even got to school. Naomi is continuing to try not to kill Cayden, but it's definitely getting better.

Ryan got himself a girlfriend, believe it or not, but I really think that this is the girl for him. He hasn't looked at another girl since they met, even though it was only a few weeks ago, it's a huge improvement.

I haven't heard from my mom in awhile, which is kind of sad, I thought I had got her back, but tonight we are all going to Naomi's to hang out but I think I'm going to do some digging on my mom. All my stuff is there anyway because I moved all my stuff from Caydens and to Naomi's, where I've been staying the last few weeks.

We're currently at lunch, chatting about later.

"Well I have to pick up Lily and then I'll be over." Ryan says. Lily is his new girlfriend, she's really pretty, and seems sweet.

"Since me and Naomi haven't been getting a lot of time alone together lately," Jordan looks at me, "You could all be kind enough to give us a few hours before you come over."

"Well me and Cayden will go back to his then." Mikey says, and Cayden nods his head.

Naomi looks at me.

I look at Ryan. "You and Lily don't want any alone time do ye?"

Ryan shakes his head. "No, you can come with us if you want."

I nod my head and smile.

The conversation breaks up after that, Jordan and Naomi were chatting among themselves, Mikey and Cayden left to go somewhere, which left me and Ryan.

Luckily, lily hadn't made things awkward between us after well everything between us. Our friendship is as strong as it was before, which I'm very happy about.

"So hows Lily?" I Ask Ryan.

"She's good, her birthdays coming up actually. You wanna help me plan a party?"

"A party?"

Ryan nods.

"You don't think she'll want a romantic date and to go back to yours?"

"I don't know, does she not seem more into parties?"

I raise my eyebrow. "From what I know of her she seems more into small groups."

"Oh so just a party with our group?"

I shake my head. "No let her friends plan the party, you should bring her out to dinner."

"I don't know I don't think she'll like that."

"Your really new to think romantic thing."

Ryan shrugs. "I just think a party would be better."

"I guess I don't really know her all that well." I shrug. "If you think she'll like a party then I'll help you."

Ryan grins. "Great! Well we can chat about it later anyway."

I nod my head, and Ryan gets up to leave the table.

"I'll meet you at your locker after school." He tells me and I nod my head.

The rest of lunch, and classes are uneventful.

I meet Ryan at my locker and we head to his car.

"How was your last few classes?" He asks me.

"Boring, and yours?"


The journey to Lily's is pretty quiet but it's not awkward. We spend more time listening to the radio then talking.

Once we get to Lily's, I move to the back of the car, even though Ryan thinks it's unnecessary.

"Ryan, she's your girlfriend she'll want to be in the front with you." I tell him as I move.

Lily gets into the car before Ryan can answer me.

"Hey y baby." She says go Ryan, leaning over and giving him a kiss.

When I say kiss, I don't mean peck. Nope, she had to go for the full makeout session right in front of me.

Maybe she hasn't noticed me.

When she eventually pulls away from Ryan, she looks back at me with a 'I win' look and Ryan looks back at me apologetically.

Okay, so she knew I was here... wtf?

"I didn't think we'd have company." She says to Ryan after he starts driving.

"Yeah, Amber couldn't go to Naomi's yet."

"She couldn't go anywhere else?"

"She could but-"

"Oh, I just thought you might want to have alone time with me. Or does she like to watch?"

I roll my eyes.

"Me and Ryan are friends, friends usually hang out."

Ryan looks at me through the mirror.

"They don't usually invade their friend and his girlfriends alone time."

"Well don't mind me." I say. "It not like you did anyway." I mutter.

I spend the rest of the journey on my phone.

We still had to give Naomi and Jordan a few hours so we ended up going to Ryan's.

I can see Ryan finds this as awkward as me, and we all end up awkwardly watching the tv.

I look around.

Ryan lives in a pretty open place, beside his parents. So I can see everywhere.

His kitchen, bedroom, everywhere. I think back to the night I came here, I wonder does lily know about that? Maybe that's why she doesn't seem to like me? 

Ryan excuses himself a few minutes later, which leaves me with lily.

She looks to see that he's out of earshot before speaking to me.

"Listen bitch, I know you want my boyfriend, but that's never gonna happen so stop trying. He'd never go near anyone like you."

"And what am I like?"

"I know everything, you can't keep anyone. Not your parents or your boyfriend. Don't think he doesn't know how much of a lowlife you are. He thinks you have zero personality, the only reason he's friends with you is because you have an ass."

Ouch. I know what she said most likely isn't true but I can't help but have it playing on my mind after that.

I don't like Ryan like that, but I like him as my friend. I just don't want him to think bad of me.

She has to be making it up right? Maybe it's true though, what if it is?  

Ryan comes back a minute later, and lily goes back to being all sweet again.

"Everything Okay?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah, I was just telling amber I think that we will be great friends."

Ryan looks at me and I nod my head.

Ryan seems to really like lily, and I'm not ruining that on him.

———————chapter thirty———————

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Hope you liked it! I'll update soon x

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