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This is a Story is all about You and your crush! I am ALWAYS open for requests!!! I do take name request too. I don't know if I will be willing to do smut... Maybe if requested a million times... Anyway this is the book to let your imagination run wild. Any fantasies you've had or story's in your mind please PM or comment And I will bring them to life. I have a couple ideas in mind but to really get going I will need your help.

I would like to recognize the people on Wattpad that keep me going every day and inspire me with there amazing work. So a special thanks to FangirlMariposita restrictedsection LieutenantTaz onceuponthelife fredweasley45 ArrowPrime   Beth_Kendall Am_d262  and last but certainly  not least YikesAMillion for keeping me on my feet and just being plain amazing.

And remember I am the biggest shiper  of You and (C/N)!!!
~~~ Clara

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