The Rejection Part One

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"Come on Y/N. He obviously likes you." B/F tried, yet again, to get you to confess your love for a certain C/N.

This has been a on going argument for the whole year. Your friends say he likes you but you denied it every time. Sure He sometimes looks at you in Math class or smiles when you pass in the hall but there was nothing special about you. There may be no hope for him liking you but you were already head over heels for him.

He was one of the hottest guys in school and very athletic. But you were just some creepy girl who gases at him hopelessly in class.

You were currently sitting in Homeroom next it your best friend B/F and B/F2, and across the room from    C/N I might add. " Y/N listen, We have two weeks of school left and then we have three months of a C/N free summer. I think you should tell him before then."

"Guys listen." You say solemnly. " He obviously don't like me. He can pick any girl in the school and I will assure you it's not me." You friends looked at you in bewilderment.

"Y/N why wouldn't he like you. Your top of the choir class, and your beautiful inside and out." Replied your best friend B/F.

"And if he doesn't we'll slap him for you." Added you other friend B/F2 with an evil glint in her eye. The scary part is that she was dead serious. One time a boy insulted your singing voice and she lost it earning a week's expulsion.

"Guys-" You start but come to an abrupt stop as you spot C/N and R/N talking happily. Your heart shattered see him with other girls. But he want yours. Not now not ever.

Your two friends soon understood what was going on and with a sympathetic look offered something that would either make or brake your life " We could ask if he likes you. And you could be hiding somewhere so you hear too."

You contemplated on the idea for a few minutes until you see R/N wink at C/N in a flirtatious sort of way. Right then you knew what to do. Through gritted teeth you answered with one simple word... " Yes."

----Time skip----

"It's going to be fine Y/N, please stop worrying. B/F, B/F2, and you had just got out of the last class of the day and were ever so slowly walking towards the bus lines. "He rides bus 62 right?"

"Yes." You replied dreamily.

" Of course Y/N only knows that because she stalks his every move." said B/F2. But you didn't answer. Partly because it was true and you didn't want to admit it, and the other was because you were scared as heck. What if everything went wrong? What if he said no? But before you could wonder anymore your friends pushed you behind a humongous tree.

"Just stay here and we'll ask him." reassured B/F.

"Yeah don't worry about it." Said B/F2 sending a quick wink at B/F.

"I don't trust you guy but ok." You say reluctantly as you sat back down behind the tree. Your heart was racing as took a quick glance around the tree and saw him. The boy you have been hopelessly in love with for years was walking towards where you were sitting.

"Hey girls." Said the hunky voice of    C/N. It was has if your heart was trying to rip out of your chest as your friend since Preschool said " C/N we need to ask you something."

" Do you like Y/N L/N?" Said the voice of your other friend.

It was completed and utter silence for what seen like ages until he mumbled the words that broke your heart into a million. "No."

You didn't wait to hear the rest. You just ran. He didn't like me. You think  solemnly. You just kept running until you got the girl bathroom where you sunk on the floor and sobbed.

----------------------------------------------Well how did I do? So this actually happened to my friend and it was awful

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Well how did I do? So this actually happened to my friend and it was awful. I hoped you liked it. Don't be a ghost reader. Please comment and vote. Part two will be up later this week!

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