The Rejection Part Two

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You didn't wait to hear the rest. You just ran. He didn't like me. You think  solemnly. You just kept running until you got the girl bathroom where you sunk on the floor and sobbed.

Of course he doesn't like me. You thought. why would He?

All that time and effort that you put into that boy. All the sleepless nights you stayed awake thinking of him. All the words you've wasted on him. All the heartache you went through seeing him with other girls. All for nothing.

Who knew that all your hopes and dreams could be crushed by one word. No. The word rang in your ears as if it was on repeat. No no no. Just no. The one word that can brake a heart in two.

You continued to sob on the bathroom floor. You didn't care who heard you at this point in time but usually you hated to cry. Crying is a form of weakness. But this was different. Saying you were sad would be an exaggeration. You were heart broken. The boy you have liked since Kindergarten didn't like you back and there was nothing you could do about it.

Crap. you thought. You still have two more weeks of classes with him. What the hell were you supposed to do? And what about Homeroom, The one class where you had to socialize with people? Or on the bus rides home? You might as well walk the gazillion miles home.

You were soon pulled from your thoughts by the sound of two four feet stopping into the bathroom. And low and behold stood your two best friends.

"Oh my gods Y/N we are so sorry." cried your Best friend B/F as she sunk to the floor next to you, and wrapped a loving arm around your shoulder.

"Yeah." Said your other Friend B/F2. "But don't worry I gave him a piece of my mind for you."

"And by a piece of her mind she means she gave him her knee up his crotch." clarified B/F earning a chuckle from you.

"Y/N listen You don't-" But before B/F could get into all the crap that friends say to cheer people up there was a knock on the door.

"Y/N?" Called a voice that was all to familiar. C/N. The one boy who had the key to you heart. One boy that throw that key away. All of a sudden the door knob turned slowly and a handsome   c/h/c haired boy reluctantly stepped in.


"I know trust me I don't want to be here." He said in a defensive way holding his hands over his head. "But I really need to talk to Y/N."

You looked at you friends and nodded. They immediately got what you meant and left.

"You were crying." He said as he locked the door and sat down next to you.

"No shit Sherlock." You replied coldly."

"Listen Y/N I'm going to say something and I don't want you to interpret me. I DO like you." He said empathizing the do. "No I don't like you I love you. See you with other guys give me a pain in my chest that I can't even begin to describe. Your so beautiful with your H/L, H/C hair and your big E/C eyes. I've been in love with you for my whole life. So Y/N..."

He lead in a kissed you. Sparks flew. Your hearts hole had mended it's self as you kissed back. Your lips moved in sync with the sound of your heartbeat. His mouth soon left yours to kiss away the rogue tears stained on your cheeks.

"Will you please do me honors of being my Girlfriend?" He asked out of breath from the kiss

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"Will you please do me honors of being my Girlfriend?" He asked out of breath from the kiss.

"Yes!" You practically scream. He kissed you once more. The two of you stood up as he laced your fingers together walking out side to tell you friends the good news. But mostly because you bus would be here any minute.

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