Hello!! ::A/N::

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So I am camping at the moment and will try to post as soon as I possibly can. One should be up sometime this week. I just want to thank some of my frequent readers and dear friends on Wattpad. So thank you onceuponthelife  for leaving such nice comments on here and being with me from the very beginning. restrictedsection you are such an amazing girl and your stories inspire me every time I read them. Beth_Kendall your stories are amazing and you are even now continuing to post new fantastic stories today. LieutenantTaz you were the first person to show me any love on wattpad and you are the main reason I'm on wattpad to this day. Am_d262 you make some of the best stories on here and they are a joy to read. YikesAMillion you were with me since the beginning and your story's are an inspiration to me. Good luck at college my friend! FangirlMariposita you make the best Maze Runner book on here and they are interesting to read. You are one of the reasons I'm on here still. Pidge101 for being so kind and generous to me. I love reading your books. SlytherinSerpents for making a book that puts a smile on my face each time I read it. And last but certainly not least rivashamy for being so kind and putting up with my PJO Amino crap. I honestly don't know why you guys read this crap but thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are all amazing and beautiful. Keep up with your totally awesome stories! I will try to update tomorrow or Saturday. And I do take requests!!! It might take awhile because I do have some drafts at the moment but I will get to them as soon as possible! Also I would like to say this book is now #559 in Actress so thank you!


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