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Warning! In this one-shot [C/N] does have a smoking problem.


"May I go to the bathroom Mr.Smith?" Asked [C/N} as he does every 8:46 in Homeroom and 12:28 in the fifth period. You had always thought that your best friend just liked to go to the bathroom at a certain time but soon you were about to find out it was the total opposite.

A few minutes later he came back from the "Bathroom" Walking past you flashing a smile. As he walked past a huge cloud of smoke hit your face like a slap. [C/N] proceded back to his seat slowly sitting down. It was the first time you had noticed this but [C/N] seemed slower and more tired than his usual self. Something about him was off.

The smokey smell. The sudden loss of sleep and energy. All you could do was put two and two together. He was smoking.

----Time Skip----

"I'm just done!" Complained your best friend [F/N] at your lunch table. "I refuse to watch it until Ross and Rachel are together."

"Oh sure. You can't go one night without watching Friends." You replied to your friend only halfway listening, the other half was focused on

"You want to bet? I won't watch Friend at all night."

"Ok your on." and at that the handsome [C/N] [C/L/N] strutted into the lunchroom, late as always.

"Sup [N/N]" he said in a way that somewhat bothered you.

"Where the hell have you been?" You demanded, not even noticing that F/N had left.

"The bathroom." He said simply. That pissed you off. Why was he lying to you? It wasn't just that he was lying but the fact that he was so calm while doing it. He didn't break a sweat, he could look you right in the eye, and worst of all he seemed amused by deceiving you.

"We both know that's, not true C/N."

"Now why would I lie to you N/N?" He answered with a mischievous grin that made you sick. And like a flam in the wind, he was gone. It would have been easy for you to just leave it alone but you couldn't. You cared for him too much to let him walk out on you.

Just as you got up to go after him a ring ran throughout the school. 6th period was starting and your chance to confront C/N had ended. Or so you thought.

----Sixth Period 30 minutes into class----

"Can I use the bathroom Mr. T/N?" Asked C/N right on cue.

"Go ahead C/N. Take the pass."

And like that, he left. Nothing new, but deep inside your heart you knew that something was wrong. This was your chance to find the truth. Curiosity boiling upside you, you devised a plan.

"Mr. T/N?"

"Yes Y/N?"

"I just remembered I have an overdue library book and if I don't return it I will get detention."

"Take the pass."

To be honest, he probably didn't even hear what you said, but you didn't care. The only thing on your mind was finding C/N. Fortunately, you had a teacher pass to let you go anywhere in the school. Unfortunately, C/N had one too.

Your first thought was to look in the bathroom but it seemed too obvious. Then it came to you. The courtyard. It was private, empty, and his favorite place in this crappy school. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as you rounded the corner and pushed open the heavy glass door.

"C/N?" You said in shock as you saw your handsome friend with a cigarette in his mouth. A ring of smoke left his soft lips as they formed an O in shock.

"N/N? What are you doing out here, you're going to freeze?"

How could he still be so calm? "C/N I just caught you smoking and that's all you can say?"

This time he looked ashamed. His eyes fell to the floor and his cheeks turned red. "There my dads. He gave them to me. He said that your not a real man until you can smoke a pack."

"C/N you know that's not true." His story made you sad. Parents shouldn't do that to kids. They should encourage not smoking and getting good grades. They shouldn't cheer them on as their kids get cancer. It's just wrong.

You don't know what came over you but you walked over to C/N and aggressively took the cancer stick away from him. You threw it on the floor and stepped on it with your converse. "It's not worth your life..." You whispered before you pulled him into a kiss.

It was short and sweet but you could tell both parties liked it. "Please don't smoke anymore C/N." You said, still breathless from the kiss. 

"On one condition. You will be my girl and only mine."

"I think we could make that happen..." Then he smiled. Not his usual smile, but a gleeful one. Like you and him were the only real things. 

Then he took his jacket off and draped it around your shoulders. As he did that he slipped his hand in his pants pocket and pulled out a the cigarets. 

"I don't need these as long as I have you." Then without warning, he chucked them as far as he could get them to go. "Shall we head inside N/N?"

"No. Lets sit out here together." You grabbed his hand with a smile. "Mr. T/N probably already forgot about us."

The two of you blew off the last two classes just to enjoy each others presence.


Well, that sucked...

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One last thing. I can't have a smoking one shot without adding everyone's favorite comedian Chandler Bing being caught in the act. 


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