Horrible First Night

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Getting to the train station worriedly. “Fred, what if something happens to them? It's already night time, what if they hit a flying goose and somehow crash into a tree?” You asked biting your thumb nail as the tall red headed twin patted your shoulder.

“Aw come’on (First/Name) give Ron a little more credit! I'm sure he's doing just fine on his own, now let's hurry to the carriages! I can't wait to dig into the beginning of the school year feast!” Fred said grabbing your hand and forced you to jog over to the self pulling carriages.

Helping you up before getting in himself Fred grinned as he sat next to you while George helped Hermione up into the carriage before getting on himself. “I really hope Ginny follows tradition and gets into Gryffindor with us.” George said looking in the general direction of the boats as the carriage started for the school.

Following his gaze you smiled lightly “I'm sure she's going to be in your guy's house. And from what I can tell she's one tough cookie.” You said sliding your hand over the page Hermione was reading.

Shooting her head up. “(First/Name) I was reading that!” Hermione growled making you laugh happily. “Well stop reading! You haven't talked to me at all! Since I left to go find Harry and Ron!” You protested flipping the corner of her page and shut her book.

Chatting the entire ride to the castle, you waved farewell to the Gryffindors as you ran to tackle Hannah and Sasun in a group hug. “I've missed you guys! How was your summer?” You asked as both girls laughed a little bit when Triton moved to Hannah to get away from the tight embrace.

“I've been doing great! And I'm guessing from your letters you've had a pretty busy summer. How'd it go with your extra summer studies?” Hannah asked lightly petting Triton as the three of you walked to the great hall together for dinner.

Shrugging a bit disappointedly. “You'd expect a friend of the headmaster to be nice in teaching one of his students, but Mr. Flamel was absolutely terrible! For the first month he wouldn't even teach me anything until I proved myself to him! And now I'm kinda scared I might get in trouble with the Ministry.” You whispered glancing at the other students around you.

Grabbing your arm worriedly. “What did you do? Are you alright?” Sasun asked getting close so no one could hear her.

Nodding quickly “No, no I'm fine what I mean is...uh. I'll just have to show you guys when we're in our dorm room.” You said putting a finger to your lips with a smile.

“Why if it isn't the fake Gryffindor, finally released your a puffer fish?” Draco sneard making you stop and turn to him sharply as Crabbe and Goyle shook their heads at you worriedly.

“Hannah, Sasun you guys go on a head. I have to deal with this trashy snake.” You growled glaring at the pale blond as he smirked at you. Glancing at each other before looking at you both girls nodded and went rushing ahead leaving you with the Slytherin trio.

“Draco why the hell do you have to be so nasty all the time? And for your information I'm s honey badger not a puffer fish! And here's a little fun fact for you. Badgers eat snakes, so if you don't want to land in the hospital wing stop bullying me and my housemates.” You growled holding your hips as you threatened the Slytherin boy as his posse took a step back at your words.

Crossing his arms smugly. “And what is a mudblood like you going to do? Hit me?” Draco asked making the two boys behind him gasp. “Draco, aren't you taking this a little far?” Cabbe asked watching you twitch and look down at the floor away from the three of them as your shoulders shook.

Clenching your jaw ‘What if he'd said that to Hermione? It doesn't hurt me at all because Id love to be a trie muggle born. But this cruel asshat has no boundaries he wouldn't cross to bully someone!’ You thought angrily feeling tears in your eyes as you looked up quickly at the blond before punching him in the face as the tears slipped down your cheeks.

Quickly turning away sniffling when Draco fell into Goyle, you sprinted down the hall passing the dining room entirely, and headed straight for your common room. Bursting into the room you stopped in your tracks as all the house elves who were taking the senior puffs trunks to their dorms, stopped to look at you in surprise.

Hugging yourself “Oh I-Im sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt any of you.” You whimpered as Dana who was helping the others rushed to your side. “(First/Name)! What be wrong? It's dinner now, you should be eating not here.” Dana said as you sank to your knees weakly.

Shaking your head and wiping your eyes. “I…wasn't hungry after what Draco said to me.” You whispered as a few house elf's crowded around you to try and help comfort you. “You meen, mean blond boy? What he say?” Dana asked making you shake your head again.

Looking to the other house elf's before taking your hand to get you to stand. Dana lead you into the kitchen and sat you down. “What mean blond boy say? Dana don't like seeing you sad.” Dana asked lightly using a napkin to wipe your eyes lightly.

Hugging yourself tightly. “Draco made fun of my house to get my attention and then called me a mudblood.” You said looking away from the shocked house elf.

“He say what to house elf's sweet (First/Name)?!” Dana screamed  stomping her foot angrily. “Oh he going to regret it! Dana and others will make him!” Dana yelled throwing the used napkin into the waste been.

Lightly touching the elf's shoulder with a small smile. “It's fine Dana. I punched Draco in the face before running to my houses common room. I don't want you doing anything that could get you in trouble.” You said making the elf sigh as she crossed her arms.

“(First/Name) to nice. What you do now, you have classes with mean blond boy.” Dana asked getting a plate of food ready for you. Shrugging lightly as you accepted the plate graciously.

“I don't know, maybe I should stay away from Draco for now until everything calms down.” You said taking a few bites of your food as Dana patted your back lightly.

After eating you when back to your common room and laid down on one of the couches near the fire, waiting for your big brother figure (Cedric) or your friends to come back. Sighing lightly you let your eyes fall shut just as a small voice made you look down to the floor sleepily.

“Ssso thisss isss where you were. Hannah and the othersss got worried when you didn't come eat.” Triton said slithering up your offered arm. Humming lightly at him you let your eyes shut again as you whispered starting to fall back asleep. “Draco made me cry, and I didn't want to bother the others.” You said hugging the snake close.

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