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Catching up to your friends worriedly “Hermione what happened, is Ron alright?” You asked looking at the said ginger just as he puked up a slimy slug.

Gasping and jumping back you looked from the slug to Ron then back again. “DID HE JUST?-!?” You questioned making Harry nod as Hermione knocked on Hagrids door.

Not one second later Hagrid opened the door. “Oh hello, what brings you lot here today?” He asked looking from everyone. When you yelled “Ron's puking slugs!” worriedly.

“Ron was trying to curse someone when his wand back fired.” Harry said as the large bearded man assured everyone into his home. Watching Hagrid rummage around, you lightly rubbed Ron's back comfortingly as another slug came up.

“Got jus' the thing. Set 'im down on that chair o'er there.” Hagrid said pointing to the long bench. Helping Ron sit you blinked at the bucket placed between his knees.

“Better out than in. Who was he tryin' ter curse anyway?” Hagrid asked sitting down across from all of you. “Malfoy. He called Hermione, well, I don't know exactly what it means…” Harry said looking to the bushy burnett as she stood up and crossed her arms.

“He called me a Mudblood.” She said quietly making you gasp. Standing to give her a hug you muttered an apology as Hagrid gasped as well. “He did not!” he said disbelievingly at her.

“What does that mean?” Harry asked making you suck in a breath and look away as Hermione turned to him sharply. “It means dirty blood! Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone... like me and (First/Name). It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation.” She growled angrily making you hold her hand.

“Yeh see, Harry. There are some wizards, like Malfoy's family. Who think they're better than everyone else 'cause they're what people call pureblood.” Hagrid explained as you rubbed Hermione's back gently.

“That's horrible.” Harry said turning to Ron as another slug flew out of his mouth. “It's disgusting!” He said making you nod agreeingly.

“An’ it's codswallop ter boot. Dirty blood. There's 'ardly a wizard today that's not half-blood or less. If we 'adn't married Muggles we'd've died out long ago. Besides, they haven't invented a spell our Hermione can't do… And there's not anybody sweeter and more loyal than our (First/Name) who's stayed by your guyses side.” Hagrid said making both you and Hermione smile as he patted your head and Hermione's shoulder. “Don' you two think on it. Don' you think on it fer a minute.” He said making the both of you smile and nod.

Walking back to the castle you turned to Hermione and linked your arms to lean your head on her shoulder. “I'm really sorry Draco said that to you. It seems that's his new favorite word.” You mumbled making her shake her head.

“At least Malfoy didn't say it to you.” Hermione said lightly resting her head on yours comfortingly. Sighing “Not true, remember when I wasn't at the beginning of the year feast? He called me that then.”

You said looking to the ground as Harry turned to you. “Why didn't you tell us sooner?” He asked worriedly making Ron lookup. “She probably didn't want to worry us.” He mumbled puking up another slug into the bullet Hagrid lent him.

Nodding you went to apologise when both Filch and Lockhart stopped you all. “Sorry to interrupt ladies, but we need to confiscate both Mr Potter and Mr Weasley from you for there detention.” Lockhart said smiling at the two of you.

Turning away to hide your grimace you waved goodbye to the two as they followed the Professors down the hall. Hearing a sigh from Hermione you rolled your eyes and put your body weight on her.

“Hermioneeee I don't feel like walking anymore carry meeee!” You whined making her turn to you with a questioning smile. “And how an I going to carry you? You weigh just as much as I do.” She asked making you grin “Like this~” You giggled turning into your bunny form.

Watching her gasp and quickly scoop you up. “(First/Name) what did you do? I hope you got yourself registered or you'll get yourself in trouble!” Hermione whispered rushing behind a wall to home you up to eye level.

Shaking your head you wiggled your nose making the other girl groan. “I can't believe you're an animagus. When did this happen?” She asked quickly walking to the Gryffindor tower.

Looking up at her you tilted your head “You think I can talk in this form?” You thought laying your head down as the two of you entered the common room.

Glancing and looking around for anyone you wiggled around until Hermione put you down. Changing back you spun around and smiled at the furious looking girl. “It happened over summer break, Headmaster Dumbledore sent me a letter when I got home asking if I wanted to study under and help Nicholas Flamel.”

You said scratching your neck as Hermione shook her head. “Your luck it didn't backfire on you! And what if one of the Professors find out!” She asked making you him and sit down.

Shrugging “I don't think I'll get into that much trouble. Besides according to Mr. Flamel I'm the youngest successful animagus he known.” You said looking away from your friend as she shook her head at you. “Just hope no one else knows.”

She muttered when Fred and George walked in. “Hey what are you doing here?” George asked as Fred leaned on his shoulder. “Hermione breaking Gryffindor rules? Seems like Harry and Ron are finally rubbing off on you!” He joked tossing something to both of you.

Catching it you you smiled at the chocolate frog box. “Well we got some planning to do.” Fred said jogging up the stairs to the boys dorms making George grin mischievously “Yeah and if anyone asks we didn't do it.” He piped up following his brother.

Curiously looking at Hermione “There planning to prank Filch again. It might be best if you go back to your dorm, they've been messing with for spells.” Hermione said crossing her arms and shaking her head at the way the twins went.

Holding up your box “So I'm guessing this is hush up treats then?” You asked making the brunette smile and nod as you stood up with a giggle. “Well I'll see you at dinner then. Have fun reading more about Lockhart.” You said waving at your friend as you left.

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