A Happy Reunion

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Sitting with Hermione and the boys in the hospital wing after dinner, you were trying to tame and braid Hermione's hair as she looked over the dairy Harry had brought to her curiously. “Tom Marvolo Riddle... Ron you said he won an award fifty years ago, right?”

Hermione asked turning to the ginger as he nodded. “It was for Special Services to the School or something.” Harry said taking the dairy back from her as Hermione held her chin in thought.

“Fifty years ago? Are you sure?” She asked making you lean out and look at her curiously. “That's what Ron said, yes. About fifty years ago.” You said pulling a hair tie off of your wrist to tie off the puffy braids tail.

“Don't you three remember what Malfoy told you? The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened was-” Hermione started when it suddenly clicked in Harry's head. “Fifty years ago! That means-” Harry said in surprise as Hermione nodded.

“Tom Riddle was here, at Hogwarts when it happened. What if he wrote about what he saw? It's possible he knew where the Chamber was, how to open it, even what sort of creature lives in it. If so, whoever's behind the attacks this time wouldn't want a diary like this lying around, would they?”

Hermione asked worriedly as you got up from behind her. “That's true but there's a slight problem.” You started turning to the three then looked at Harry who opened the blank diary. “There's nothing written in this diary.” Harry finished just as Madam Pomfrey walked up with a small smile.

“Alright you three it's almost curfew. You ott to get to your houses.” She said making everyone nod. “We'll see you in class tomorrow right, Mione?” You asked making the brunette haired girl smile up at you and nod as you and the boys left while waving farewell to her.

Walking towards the Gryffindor tower you slowed to a stop making Harry and Ron turn to you curiously. “Hey what's up?” Ron asked as Harry pointed with his thumb towards the tower. “Aren't you coming?” He asked as you looked down and started playing with your fingers.

“I should really try and go back to my own house. It was nice of you guys to let me stay for the past month and a half, but I know me staying in the Gryffindor tower is getting on Percy's nerves. And I can see it on my housemates faces that they feel bad about what happened between us and I feel guilty for just leaving then the way I did.”

You said quietly looking everywhere but at your two friends who looked at each other then at you with small smiles. “It's fine if your getting home sick for your own house.” Harry said walking back over to you to pat your shoulder.

“Yeah and I'm sure you're tired of how loud and rambunctious we can get sometimes. So go make up with your housemates. We'll see you tomorrow in class.” Ron said following Harry to your other side so  he could pat your head.

Smiling lightly at your friends and  nodded. “Just make sure you guys have a free spot for me, in case I'm no longer a Hufflepuff.” You chirped semi-worriedly making both boys laugh and nod as you turned to head to your common room by the kitchen.

Standing outside the barrels, you nervously rolled and unrolled your shirt. “I had Dana bring me clean uniforms so I didn't have to see my housemates. What if they don't like me anymore?” Your thought worriedly taking in a big breath and blowing it out, as you shakely brought a hand up to knocked the password.

Slowly opening the door you felt your stomach fill with butterflies and your heart pick up pace as you slowly and silently walked up the sloping, earthy passageway and into the familiar cosy, round, low-ceilinged common room. Looking around the living room like space you felt your heart swell with happiness until you spotted Hanna on the couch by the fireplace doing her homework just as she looked up.

Freezing in place the both of you held a small awkward staring contest with each other until you turned to retreat due the hall making the blond quickly spring up from her seat while yelling your name.

Squeaking you froze halfway down the short hallway before slowly turning to meet the blue eyed girl who stopped at the top of the hallway. Shaking you gave a small awkward wave before Hanna crashed it to you full force with a tight bear hug.

“We’ve missed you so much!” She yelled quickly pulling away to look at you with teary eyes and a smile crossing her face. Feeling your bottom lip quiver you nodded and rubbed your eye trying to match her smile. “I've missed you guys too.”

You mumbled letting the blonde lead you back up into your black and yellow common room by the hand. Just as you barely sat down on the couch you heard the both of the  dorm room doors opening.

Turning to the sound you shrank into yourself and offered a tiny wave to Susan, Sarah, and Cedric who were standing in the doorways. Watching wide grins spread across Sarah's and Susan's faces you stood up just as they ran up to hug you happily.

Laughing giddily you smiled as you were sandwiched between your housemates when Cedric slowly walked up to you. Dropping your smile as the girls backed away from you, you looked down not wanting to meet your older brother figures disapproving eyes.

Glancing up you opened your mouth to say something when Cedric hit the top of your head and then pulled you into a tight hug. “(First/Name), don't ever just up and leave when your upset! You worried and made everyone feel bad!”

He scolded making you smile a little and hug him back just as tightly. “I promise. Sorry I worried everyone again.” You mumbled breaking away from the hug just as Cedric ruffled your hair happily.

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