Phase 2: Deceiving

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Phase 2,

--Hibiki's POV--

After Inspector Ginoza left to sign some papers he returned a few minutes later. I had to go through a hue test before leaving, and of course I passed. Ginoza brought me outside and I was blinded by the sun immediately, it had been quite awhile since I last seen it.

"Alright Nishikawa, let's go so I can introduce you to the team." Ginoza sighs. I avert my eyes from the sun before looking at him, he held a car door open for me. Great, I have to meet a team of Sibyl's watch dogs.

"Okay." I step into the car and scoot over to leave room for Ginoza. He slides in and closes the door behind us, the driver starts the vehicle and we take off. I lean my head against the window of the car and sigh. This was going to suck, I wonder when Shogo will get ahold of me? He said he would soon after I became an Enforcer, but I've been in the MWPSB's custody for over a month. Please tell me he hasn't given up on me!

I tear my eyes away from the street, I could no longer take watching happy families walk down the street living their care free lives. I was so jealous of the people who knew nothing of the monster Sibyl really was. I focused my attention on my nails once more, looking at my nails was a nervous habit of mine. I find it very annoying but I can't help but inspect them every time I'm nervous.

"Nishikawa." Ginoza's voice interupts my thoughts.

"Hmm..." I turn to look at him, he seems to be studying me, like I was a test subject. His eyes also had a glint of hatred in them. As expected, everyone hates latent criminals.

"We're almost there." He turns to face the window again. It's my turn to study him now. He was tall, and his black hair was long and it hid most of his face. He also wore a silver pair of glasses, but they were really low on his nose. I suspect that he doesn't like people to look at him without glasses on. He wears them to hide his eyes. I guess everyone hates something about them. I happen to hate my name, and he happens to hate his eyes.

The car pulls to a stop and I quickly look away from Ginoza as he gets out. I open my own door and step out. My eyes take in the large building that lied home to the Public Safety Bureau. It wasn't how I expected it'd be, it was more advanced with technology. Drones surround the area and large vehicles were parked all around it.

"This way Nishikawa." Ginoza says as he passes me by and heads toward the main door.

"Here goes nothing." I say to myself. Can't go back now. I step toward Ginoza and follow him into the building. As soon as I enter everyones eyes were on me. I ignore most of them but one set of eyes made my own lock with them. It was Inspector Enomoto. He glares at me as I follow Ginoza throughout the main hall. I'm so glad they didn't put me in his Unit, I'm sure he would have tortured me with tons of work. I move my eyes back to Ginoza's back as we stop in front of a elevator.

We enter the elevator and thankfully it was just us two, I sigh a sigh of relief. Everyone judging me out there is very nerve-racking and annoying. They judge just like Sibyl whether I'm good enough to be among their ranks or if I'm scum that deserves to be rotting in jail.

The elevator door slides open on some floor, I don't have time to catch the number before Ginoza takes off. I quicken my pace to catch up to him. I really don't want to get lost in here, yet. We enter a room that's called Unit One. Well here we go.

"Team, this is our newest Enforcer Hibiki Nishikawa." Ginoza says, I step out from behind him and wave. I take in the people in the room. Two female and Three male.

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