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I finally arrive to the scene.

The girl was still alive, cuddle in my brother, Alex arms.

I tuck my hands in my pocket as his gaze landed on me with a slight smile of relief.

"I thought you killed her?" He whisper and to be honest, I thought I did too.

"Wai—" The girl's brown eyes glance up at me, "You were trying to kill me?"

I nod, glaring at my brother harshly, "Until someone interrupted my process."

My brother nervously scratch his hair, a awkward smile planted on his face as the girl stare at him.

I roll my eyes as I left them, going back up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" My brother ask me stopping me in my tracks.

I sigh as I spin around.

"She isn't dead, is she?" I said and he raise an eyebrow puzzled.

"I'm going to try to shoot her again," I said, hoping he'll understand what I mean this time.

"Adonis," He call my name, his eyes turning back into puppy eyes as he grew sick of begging.

"Don't kill her."

I glance at the girl and back at him.

Tucking my hands inside my pocket for warmth, I didn't reply.

Instead, I turn back around and continue walking up the stairs.

I don't think it was a decision if I wanted to kill her or not anymore.

Rule 24: When given a task to kill someone, and after accepting, change your mind over guilt or anything else, you'd be hunted down by co-workers and executed with that person.

The girl suddenly get up and walk over to me.

Her big eyes — the shape of an owl stare into mine and they connected instantly.

My gaze never left hers as I stare into them without emotion but hers held pain.

"You've been given a task," Her soft and small fingers touch mine — "Finish your task." She softly whisper to me.

I nod, taking out a knife from my pocket as I gesture it to her neck, ready to slice it.

I glance at my brother who just stood there looking like a pieces of him were getting rip out every second.

His heartbeat rise and fell and pain grew in his eyes as he panic.

"Kill me." The girl whisper to me, gaining back my attention.

"I'm tired of running." She sob.

"I'm tired of hiding."

"Maybe in the grave I'll have peace." She smile through her pain.

"Adonis, don't do it." My gaze quickly flicker towards my brother who was getting on my last nerves now.

"Father won't be proud if you do."

I scoff and roll my eyes, "Was that old man ever proud of me?"

Alex sigh, "Adonis, he raised you — he is proud of you." Alex raise up from off the floor — quickly dusting off his jeans as he approach me.

"And he told me to protect her."

I chuckle, throwing back my head in amusement.

"Told you — Alex, we both know you suck at lying just give up —"

"I'm serious." My smile slowly fade away as I glance at my brother.

His face was serious as it could be, his hands clench as he stared at me.

I remove the knife from the woman's neck, "Very well." I said as the woman let out a sigh of relief.

My brother smile grew, "Thank you —"

"If I find out your lying on that old man I won't hesitate to kill her the next second."

He nod, a bright smile appearing across his face.

I grumble under my breath and facepalm myself, "I'm going to get in so much fucking trouble for this."

"But, if the old man really did say so, I'll do it."

I turn around to Alex.

"As long as we don't die, this is going to be one heck of a story."

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