Trent's Plan

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Trent led the way as I followed him closely from behind. I still had no idea where he was brining me or what his plan was. My curiosity got the best of me when I asked.

"Where are we going?"

"I already told you," he emphasized as he turned around to look at me. "You'll find out when we get there."

"Can't you just tell me now?" I asked.

"I suppose I could."

I waited for him to tell me, but a long silence took hold. Too long of a silence actually, which caused me to ask him again.

"So…are you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?" he asked pretending as if he didn't know.

"Where we're going," I stated as if it were obvious.

He grinned.

"I said I could tell you," he clarified. "That doesn't mean I was actually going to tell you."

I sighed, "You know you really are annoying sometimes."

"Oh don't worry," he said as his smile grew wider. "I already know."

I shook my head in bewilderment. I swear I think you could insult Trent in the worst way possible and he would still have that goofy smile on his face no matter what.

"Ok if you're not going to tell me that than could you at least tell me what your plan is?"

"Uhh," he scratched the back of his head, "I don't think that's such a good idea for me to tell you just yet."

I narrowed my eyes at him questioningly.

"Why not?" I asked becoming slightly worried.

"Because you might not go with my plan if I told you," he admitted.

Ok now I wasworried. If he wasn't going to tell me because he knew I wouldn't go with the plan than I knew for sure it had to be something I was going to most likely hate. As I said before this is Trent we are talking about after all. Who knows the crazy and bizarre things that might be on his mind?

We somehow made our way toward the back of the school building where we began making our way toward the steps leading down from the back doors. There were a group of kids sitting on the steps, but Trent and I were too far away to see who they were. As we drew closer however, I recognized them right away and that's where I stopped dead in my tracks not willing to move a step further.

Noticing that they were all Goths, I knew they had to be Trent's friends. However, that was not what made me afraid to move further. No, it was the fact that Travis, who was looking very hot today I might add, was sitting there with them. I had never spoken a single word to him before and I really did not want to right now either. Not yet, anyway because if I did I know I would most likely act stupid or do something that I would most likely regret later on.

Trent continued walking, but stopped once he realized that I was no longer with him. Turning around to look at me he asked, "Well are you coming or what?"

I simply shook my head 'no' hoping that he would understand.

He took a few steps closer to me.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I'm not going over there," I stated decisively.

"Oh yes you are," he assured me. "I didn't bring you all the way out here so you can turn back now."

I laughed at this. The way he said it; he made it sound as if we had just taken a long journey to China and back.

"Trent, we only walked from the front of the school building to the back."

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