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(1 year later)

"That one's wrong," Trent stated proudly, tapping one of the answers I had just written on my worksheet. We were seniors now and it was nearing the end of the school year, meaning graduation would be coming up soon. Right now we were sitting in the very back of Trigonometry class together, working on our study guides as instructed by our teacher in order to prepare for the final test.

I sent Trent a questioning look, but he merely smiled. "Check if you don't believe me."

I narrowed my eyes, but redid the problem anyway just to be sure. It was tedious work, this problem, and actually one of the more difficult ones out of the entire study guide. It probably takes about three or four minutes to do. And even though four minutes doesn't sound like much, it sure as hell feels like a long time when it comes to math!

After finishing, I noticed my answer was different than before so I looked over at his paper to see what he got. His answer matched my new one and I couldn't help but smile at him as his grin widened.

"See," he said, sounding very please with himself. "I told you that you were wrong. But now we're both right! I mean, we have to be right if we both got the same answer. You know, this math stuff isn't all that hard. I mean, I don't like it. It bores me and I hate boring things because I don't like to be bored. But it's still kind of easy. Though, it does give me a headache at times when I work on it for too long. I don't like headaches. They make my head hurt. And when my head hurts I feel kind of sick and—"

"Trent!" Both our heads snapped up to meet Mrs. Lewis's cold glare. She was currently helping another student not far away from us and apparently had gotten annoyed with Trent's rambling. "How many times do I have to tell you? Keep it down or you're going to the office."

"Oh. Sorry," he apologized. "I was just telling Raina about—"

"Did you finish your study guide?" She asked angrily, walking toward his desk and whipping out the huge packet that had been lying before him. She flipped through it quickly, stopping here and there to check his answers, and then sighed and handed it back to him. "I'll never understand how you do it. You act up in class, yet still manage to keep your grades up."

And it was true. Ever since last year when Travis and I had that argument and how he mentioned Trent wouldn't be able to support a family, Trent made it his goal to buckle down more and raise his grades. His grades mainly consisted of A's and B's now, much better than that D average he used to hover around before the change. He told me he overheard everything Travis had said that day and realized it was true, but then said he wanted to change so that way he could have a job and be able to support a family, if we ever decided on kids that is. Being only eighteen it was hard to really decide on stuff like that just yet, though Trent claimed he'd love to be a daddy sometime in our future together.

Trent even thanked Travis not long after the argument, explaining that if it hadn't been for him, he would have been in a lot of trouble in the future, as far as college and everything went. I even agreed to help Trent whenever he needed it in any of his classes. What's funny is that he was actually pretty smart, sometimes even brilliant I'd say. There were times where he'd ask me for help, usually just to make sure he was doing something right, and I'd look at him and question why he was even asking in the first place because he was right on target!

Just then the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Everyone practically rushed out the door like animals, while Trent and I lagged behind as we made our through the crowded hallways, toward to the student parking lot.

"What movie are we seeing tonight?" He asked as we dodged a few cars, trying to get to his without being run over. Something about the end of the school year made everyone more vicious in the parking lot. Everyone was in such a hurry to get out as soon as possible. Finally though, we made it to his car and hopped in.

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