Secret's out!

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"Come on Raina! Dance with me!" Trent shouted excitedly, moving his body around crazily with the music that was blasting from the large stereo. It was just the two of us in his basement together playing pool. The rest of the gang would be arriving soon, but in the meantime we decided to play by ourselves until they got here. However, Trent had gotten bored from this early on and felt the need to act like the goofball he was by dancing to the song Material Girl, trying to get me to loosen up and dance along with him. Yeah, like that would ever happen.

"It's your turn, you know?" I yelled over the music, gesturing toward the pool table. Only he wasn't listening.

"Living in a material world, and I am a material girl!" He sang excitedly, completely oblivious to my shouting. Then he stopped and looked at me. Smiling, he reached a hand out for me to grab. "Dance with me! You know you want to."

"I'm not dancing," I said.

"Please?" He begged, giving me his famous sad lip.

I shook my head. "You know that I hate it when you do that."

His smiled widened. "And that's exactly why I do it. So is it working? Will you dance with me?"

"No." I couldn't help but laugh at his persistence.

He pouted his lip out again, trying his best to make me feel bad so I would give in. His hand was still held out toward me. "Please Sweets? If you do, I will love you."

"I thought you already loved me," I smiled.

"Damn it. You got me there," he chuckled. "Aww, come on Sweets. Just dance with me. It's not like anyone's watching. It's only me!"

I shook my head. "Nope."

A deep sigh escaped from him as he dropped his hand and frowned down at the floor. "Alright, fine. Don't dance with me." His tone was sad, so sad that I half wondered if he really was hurt. But I soon realized he was only faking it when his head lifted back up so he was facing me, grinning at my expression. "I'll just try something else to entertain the both of us."

"Um… what are you talking about?" I laughed.

"Dancing was supposed to entertain us both, but it didn't work because you hate dancing," he explained. "So I'm gonna try something else."

Before I could ask what that something else was, he had jumped on me and pinned me to the floor. Well okay, so I was exaggerating that. I was pinned to the floor by him, yes, only he hadn't necessarily jumped on me. It was more that he quickly —yet still gently— grabbed me and forced me down onto the floor with him, then rolled over so he was on top, straddling me.

"Jesus Trent. What the hell are you…" But I stopped myself and chuckled rather nervously after observing the position we were in. "Um. Okay, what's on your mind? Because this isn't really an appropriate place to um…"

He laughed along with me and kissed me on the cheek. "Of course not. You're so silly Sweets. You know I'm a lot more romantic than that." A large smile spread over his lips. "I was gonna tickle you actually because you love it so much!"

"What?" I asked. "I do not. No one likes to be tickled."

"Yeah you do," he disagreed. "You should see yourself laugh."

This only caused me to roll my eyes. "Okay, if that's the case then how about I tickle you this time and see how much you like it?" I suggested pleasantly with a smile.

He laughed again. "No thanks. I get it, you hate being tickled. I understand and therefore I surrender myself to you."

"Uh… you surrender yourself to me?" I laughed.

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