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"Dave, you're acting weird," John whispered to his best friend, Dave. "Why are we out here, in a grassy plain, in the middle of the night?"

"Sshh!" Dave twirled around and put a hand over John's mouth. He furrowed his eyes, even though they were not visible.

Dave led John over to a patch of shorter grass. There was a log resting there, with few ants.

Dave sat, then motioned for John to as well. John grimaced at the ants, but sat down reluctantly. He noticed that Dave was clutching his own arms for warmth; it was a relatively cold night.

"Can you tell me why we are out here now?" John pried.

Dave sighed, then checked his watch. "I dragged you out here to show you something. You know how you were in the dumps the other day, because you missed a rare meteor shower while you were sleeping?"

John simply knodded, with a slightly confused look in his eyes. Where was Dave going with this?

A small smile found it's way onto Dave's lips. "Look up."

John did as Dave told. It was a starry night, and there was no light pollution from the city. He sat, staring at the sky for what seemed like forever.

Suddenly, a big explosion of green and gold appeared in the sky, with a crack sound afterward. John gasped, and expectingly glanced at Dave.

"I wanted to make it up to you." Dave grabbed John's hand, and looked at the inky sky himself.

Firework after firework rose into the heavens. When they exploded, it felt like it was raining sparks onto them. Which, it was.

Dave liked the golden, shimmering ones best. John liked the big ones that looked like a confetti popper was blasted in his face.

They sat there, in total bliss. Suddenly, the bombarde of fireworks stopped. Before John did any action at all, Dave simply said, "Wait."

A golden streak rose into the sky. It exploded, in the shape of a heart. Pink, silver, and red sparks filled their view when it went off.

John was very surprised by the final firework. He hadn't seen such a unique one before.

He glanced over at Dave. Dave smiled lightly, and pulled John into a warm hug.

"Dave, what the fuck?"

"Did I make it up to you?"

"Let me go."

"Answer my question."


"Not until you answer."

John groaned. Dave was so persistent.

Dave smirked at John. John was confused, and felt very weirded out. There was this one feeling he couldn't identify, though. It felt like embarrasement, but nicer?

Was it love?

But, he wasn't a homosexual!

"You've been thinking for a bit, John," Dave retorted. He hugged John even tighter.

"Thank you, Dave." John said lightly. He put his arms around Dave's neck rather awkwardly, then buried his face in the hem of his jacket.


Welp, that was my first fanfiction EVER.

Expect more, and better things in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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