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Now here by saying this I don't mean to make a master plan just follow the steps as its am ultimate guide to productivity and is written by greatest publisher .ha ha ha okay okay it wasn't that funny .
Step 1 )complete step 1 now by saying this I mean complete step one not just complete but understand step 1 and do it correctly .
Now step 2 ) MAKE A GOOD time table for your way to success now what kind of plan ?
The answer is just take a pen and a paper and write all the things you have understood from step 1 or part one .
Step 3 ) now make just a plan or just a late at you can say that you are gonna follow to make your job come true because if you get that job you will reach your dream which was possibly as much big as a billioner  .
For eg :after passing school next step is joining a good collage or university and then getting job .
Now you would be thinking that how could you get a billioner dream job from just following these steps answer is at last keep reading but first make steps or pathways written down .Now next part will guide you how to get your job and then last part will tell how to become a billionee like in my case. 


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