Chapter 1

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Authors note: Hello readers! So this is my first story and I actually started it a while ago, but tweaked and finalized it around now. Here's a little throwback to one of my favourite childhood shows. You do not have to know too much about bakugan to keep up with this story; you'll probably just have to know some minor details about the characters and few details here and there about bakugan attributes and battling. But whether you are reading this for a cute and short love story or because you're a hardcore bakugan fan and would like a reminder of the very popular ship of shun and alive, i hope you enjoy!


Shun was always well by himself. He could entertain himself. He could concentrate. He could think. He was independent. And always looked towards her for a good distraction.

He could entertain himself by watching her walk with a usual skip in her step. He could concentrate on the little things she does, like cleaning up every little mess she makes, or being almost too compassionate in every situation she handles. He could think about what it would be like to hold her in his arms. He was independent, but at times felt lonely, and wanted to be with her.

Alice was always able to take care of others. She would be someone's shoulder to cry on. She would mend someone back to health. She would do every favour, if appropriate, that was asked of her. She would always find a way to help. She was the one who everyone liked.

But she's never had to lend a shoulder for Shun to cry on; he's always had the same poker face. She's never had to mend Shun back to health; he's too careful and skilled for any harm to ever happen to him. She's never had to do a favour for him; he's never asked. She's never known how to help Shun; he's always seemed so capable of doing everything on his own. She didn't know what Shun thought about her, but she was about to find out.

"Hey, beautiful." a familiar voice called out towards Alice. But it wasn't the voice she wanted to hear those words from.

"Hi, Lync." she said politely. His pale green eyes were no match for Shun's brown ones. But was she giving herself false hope that anything could even happen between them? The worse thing, in her opinion, was giving false hope where there was no hope at all. She knew Lync liked her more than a friend, but she couldn't not look at him in any way other than just a friend. He stayed close by her side as they walked to school together.

"So," he continued, "the dance is next Friday, and I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go with me?"

She'd hate to disappoint him, but she was really hoping that Shun would ask her. She knew when Shun was annoyed, doubtful, sad, happy, and even lying. But she could never fully see what he thought about her. Sometimes she would think she had a chance to be with him by the subtle things he does, like standing unusually close to her. However, other times he would remain stoic, void of any emotion and treating her the same as everyone else.

Alice's head was filled with thoughts. What should she do? She doesn't want to hurt Lync, but she doesn't want to give him false hope either. And if she says yes to him, word will go around and that will surely eliminate any chances of Shun asking her to the dance. Just as she was about to turn him down, they reached the school and a sight made her heart drop. She saw Fabia hugging Shun. Her arms were around his neck and his hands were on her waist. A strong wave of jealousy came over her and couldn't focus which resulted in her tripping on a rock and falling to the ground.

"Alice? Alice!"

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Alice repeated as she felt one hand on both of her arms help her up. She was about to thank Lync when she realized one of her arms were being held by Shun. The other one was held by Lync. Fabia stood as a bystander, eyes focused on Shun's fingers wrapped around Alice's wrist.

"Are you okay?" Shun asked. Alice was frozen in place, distracted by his strong hands around her arm and his intense brown eyes staring back at hers. Much to Alice's dismay, he let go of her arm. She wondered what it would feel like to hold his hand, to intertwine her fingers with his...

"I'm fine, thank you." She couldn't bring herself to look into his eyes. The image of Shun and Fabia hugging was imbedded in her brain.

"Are you sure?" This time it was Fabia who asked, "I can get you a band-aid or water, if you'd like."

"No, I'm okay, but thank you for asking." She couldn't hate Fabia. She's never done anything to hurt Alice. In fact, they were friends. But it made Alice even more mad that she didn't realize that there was something between Shun and Fabia earlier. How did she miss it?

"Alice?" Lync asked, hesitantly.


"You never answered."

"Answered what?"

"Will you go to the dance with me?" Lync repeated. Time seemed to stop. Alice was frozen in place. She felt heat rise to her neck and cheeks, knowing that Shun and Fabia were watching here intently, curious to see what her answer would be. She couldn't look at their faces. She wanted the ground to swallow her whole. She wanted to run away. She wanted to do anything except answer Lync's question right in front of Shun. But the image of Fabia and Shun hugging popped into her brain again. Her heart tightened and she felt angry, hurt, and sad, but most of all, jealous. She realized she had no chance. What would the harm be in going to the dance with Lync anyway? He wasn't always the nicest or most respectful person out there but she knew how he felt about her and she knew that he wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt her. Her lips started moving automatically and her voice came out, but what she said sounded much different than what her heart and mind wanted to say as spoke the next line,

"Sure, Lync. I will go to the dance with you."

Right Where They Should Be (Bakugan Fanfiction, Shun x Alice)Where stories live. Discover now