Chapter 2

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Shun couldn't believe Alice agreed to go to the dance with Lync of all people. Alice never seemed to be that interested in him. He was going to ask Alice to the dance, but kept getting too scared and wanted to wait for the right moment. Fabia has been hanging around him now, more than ever. He knows she wanted him to ask her to the dance, but he didn't want to and didn't want to give her false hope. He would be fine going alone if he couldn't go with Alice.

The day went by quickly. Normally Shun and Alice were homeschooled. Both of their parents died or left so they would live with their grandfather. It's one of the things Shun admired about Alice. She understands what it was like to grow up with only one guardian. Luckily, both of their grandparents thought it would be okay if they both went to an actual school. That way they can see all of their friends in a place other than Bakugan interspace.

Shun rounded a corner and his eyes automatically glared at the boy before him: Lync. Lync didn't notice Shun standing there-well... nobody notices when Shun arrives and leaves a place. However, Shun was going to pass by, ignoring Lync, until he overheard a piece of conversation between Lync and his friends.

"I'm really happy Alice accepted my invitation to the dance. At first I couldn't believe she actually said yes to me."

Shun's anger slightly diminished. It's good that Lync was grateful that he was going to the dance with Alice. She deserves someone who knows how lucky he is to have a girl like her. Lync's friends laughed for a bit and he saw Lync turn a little red.

"Aww Lync-y poo is in love!" One teased.

"Congrats bro, we didn't think you'd actually be able to get a girl for the dance." Another said.

"Aw man, I owe Carter $5 now, we bet on whether you'd be able to get a date or not.

It seemed like Lync went on defense mode and maybe that's what pushed him to say the next sentence he said,

"Oh, really? Alice was actually so grateful that I asked her to the dance. She looked like she was going to faint out of happiness when I asked her. Without hesitation she said yes and hugged me right there and then. I could tell she really wanted me to ask her after I did."

Shun's hands clenched up in fists. That was definitely not how it went down. Alice didn't seem truly happy when he asked her. She hesitated quite a long time. Shun wished he could read what she was thinking at that moment but her eyes were filled with so many emotions at the time, he couldn't read all of it and she didn't look at him at all. She didn't even say "yes", she said "okay". To Shun, that didn't seem like she was overjoyed by going to the dance with Lync. It made him angry that Lync lied about Alice. Alice deserved a guy who was constantly grateful for her, not a guy who felt like she should be grateful for him. She deserved a guy who never forgot how much she was worth - and she is worth a lot to Shun. She is too smart, and kindhearted, and beautiful to even be compared to anyone else. How could Lync talk about her and lie about her like that?

It was because of these reasons why Shun started walking to Lync.

It was because of these reasons why Shun couldn't see any of Lync's friends; his only target was Lync.

It was because of these reasons why Shun slammed Lync against a locker and held him there, not caring about Lync's shocked and frightened face.

It was because of these reasons why Shun raised his hand in attempt to punch Lync right across the face.

Or maybe he raised his hand to punch Lync because he was jealous that Alice agreed to go to the dance with Lync and not him; because his gut feeling knew that Alice did not actually want go to the dance with Lync but agreed to because she was too nice to hurt him; because Alice was the girl that he was in love with.

But just when his fist collided with Lync's face and his victim fell the the ground, a voice called his name. The voice that he loved to hear speak and laugh. But her tone was filled with horror as she called his name. He was fine with anyone else watching this unusually angry and out of control side of him except her. He didn't want to scare her. He didn't even like hurting anyone but he did if he had to. But there she was, watching him punch her date to the dance. And as he turned around to look at her he saw the fear in her eye, the horror of what she just witnessed, and the confusion of why it happened. He wished it was anyone else, but it wasn't.

It was Alice.

Right Where They Should Be (Bakugan Fanfiction, Shun x Alice)Where stories live. Discover now