Chapter 6

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Alice almost didn't recognize her own reflection. She curled her hair in a half-up do and the rest of her hair was in soft curls around her shoulders. She put soft pink eyeshadow to bring out her eyes with a little eyeliner and mascara. Light blush powdered her checks and shiny lips gloss coated her lips. She put a purple no-shoulder dress that flowed out past her knees. She had just finished putting on her small black heels and clutch handbag when the doorbell rang. She opened the door to the familiar serious face of Shun. When Shun saw Alice, his jaw almost dropped. He struggled to keep his composure as he watched Alice in front of him,

"You... wow... you look beautiful, Alice."

Heat instantly rose up to Alice's cheeks, however she did feel a small boost of confidence from Shun's reaction. He usually observes everyone but couldn't help but admire Alice's every detail from her flawless face to her attire. His eyes then settle on her lips. Alice's heart was pounding as she saw what Shun was looking at. She didn't even realize they both started to lean in closer until...

Alice's grandfather came in.

"Time for pictures!" He yelled enthusiastically.

The couple sprang away from each other, flustered. Her grandfather didn't see anything... did he? After a few minutes of awkward prom picture taking, the two headed out to the school gymnasium where prom was being held. Shun offered to drive, but Alice wanted to walk since she lived so close to the school. Alice studied his classic black tuxedo with a dark green tie, probably to represent his bakugan attribute, and couldn't help but admit how good he looked. The suit accentuated his broad, strong shoulders and his hair was tied back more neatly, out of his face. It brought out his sharp cheekbones and jaw.

Five minutes while walking, Alice and Shun made small chat, and after descending into comfortable silence, Shun looked over to Alice and noticed how the evening sun made it seem like she was glowing. He couldn't even believe her beauty inside and out. Subconsciously, he reached for her hand, and she gladly entertwined her fingers with his.

Once they got to the dance, loud, pop music was already playing. The gymnasium didn't smell like sweat, for once and streamers, confetti, balloons, and sparklers were everywhere. They found their way to a big table where Marucho, Klaus, and Lync were sitting. There were many other seats - the rest of the gang must've been dancing already. After casual greetings, mostly excluding Lync, Shun and Alice sat down.

"Alice! Shun!" a perky voice called behind them. The couple turned around to an extremely happy Fabia holding hands - and dragging along - an amused Ren.

"Hello, Fabia. You look lovely tonight." Alice replied.

"Thanks! So do you!" Fabia replied. Ren put his arm around Fabia's shoulders and she rested her head on chest, wrapping her arms around his waist in the process. Alice giggled.

"I take it you two are having fun, then?" Alice couldn't help the smile growing on her face. They both looked so happy. She didn't even notice Shun staring at her with much admiration.

"Yup! Ren is so much fun to be with. And his reactions are hilarious. He gets so annoyed whenever I tease him. Right, club?"

Ace rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide the smile on his lips. "She likes to call me the suits from a deck of cards because my name is 'Ace'. But yes, we are doing great. Thanks for all of your help."

"Anytime." Alice smiled. They both walked away towards the dance floor.

Alice watched Dan and Bruno argue about Dan stepping on Bruno's foot and Julie and Billy dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Mira and Ace even looked happy to be together and Alice saw another girl start to talk to Marucho and bond over battle strategies and secret ways and cards to enhance their Aquarius bakugan abilities.

"This has been an amazing night so far." Shun said. Alice stared into his eyes and although his face was still somewhat stoic, she saw happiness in them.

"It is indeed." she agreed. They talked and danced together for a few hours before Shun asked Alice if she wanted to go outside to get some air. They walked hand in hand as Shun led her outside to the main doors before Alice stopped him.

"Wait, I have something to show you." She said excitedly, "follow me." She let go of his hand and started to run. Shun chased after her, confused.

"Alice! Where are we going?" He questioned. He was especially confused as she ran through the door that led to a hallway under construction.

"Try to keep up, Shun." Alice laughed behind her. "I thought you were supposed to be a ninja."

"You did not just go there." He said. He suddenly quickened his pace and caught her easily, but Alice wasn't expecting him to catch her so fast and tripped. Shun tried to catch her but fell down as well, resulting in him landing softly on top of her. They were alone in the hallway. And shun leaned in to kiss her.

"Stop." Alice said. Shun was hurt. Did he do something to upset her?

"No, no! It's not that I don't want to do that but... Come on. Just follow me we're almost there." she laughed. She climbed up a ladder and went through a small door. Shun followed and was taken aback by where he ended up. The sky was full of stars and he saw the life of the night around them. Fireflies danced around them and the weather was perfect: not too hot and not too cold.

"There was uh... something that I need to do tonight, if you don't mind, Alice." Shun said. For once, he looked... nervous? Alice thought he meant that he needed to go somewhere, and was a little offended too. The night was going so perfectly.

"Oh... Well alright. Take care, Shun..." She trailed off. She tried to hide her dissapointment but failed.

"Oh no, I'm not leaving!" Shun quickly said. Her eyes brightened and he loved how he could read her emotions, especially when she was happy. He loved seeing her happy. "It's just... I need you to close your eyes for a sec."

She thought he was going to miss her but he just laughed, went around her, and placed his hands softly on her eyes. He felt her eyelashes brush his hand as they closed.

"Keep your eyes closed." He whispered.

"Why?" She asked, the smile never leaving her lips.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Well of course!" She laughed. "What kind of question is that?"

"Then keep them closed." He said. She gave a dramatic sighed then agreed. She made him so happy. He slowly pulled out a gold necklace from his pocket and put it around her neck. Alice opened her eyes and when she the charm on the necklace, she realized it was a small dove.

"It's beautiful." she said.

"Not as beautiful as you." Shun replied.

Alice felt the blood rush to her checks and she looked back down to her necklace. She couldn't turn back around to face Shun. Shun couldn't it. He  went back in front of her and cupped his hands over her cheeks. Then slowly, hesitantly, he placed his lips on hers. Alice responded by moving her lips with his and wrapping her lips around his neck. The kiss was slow and sweet. It seemed to last forever but when they finally broke apart, it wasn't long enough. Her eyes were still closed when they broke apart and fluttered open to a smiling Shun. She burried her face into his chest and held him in a hug as if he would disappear if she let go. He hugged back tightly, reassuringly. They stayed there together, in each other's arms.

Right where they should be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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