Part One Of My Life: Running.

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There was something freeing about running.

Liberating might be a better word for it.

Especially when you're running neck to neck with someone on a horse.

And said person on the horse was helping you train to run faster.

"Come on Licia! Almost there then you beat your new record!" That's Benjamin. Benjamin is the only person on earth who has believed her side of the story. But he doesn't know that Alicia's apple Lap Top is actually an ex-con in disguise.

The pair plan on keeping it like that.

She could feel the cold sweat drip down her back as she attempted to even out her breathing. Each step echoing her heart beat as she pushed herself through the trail and finally, back onto the ranch. The sudden sunlight blinded the young adult briefly, but she never stopped running. She slowed when she hit the paddocks the finally stopped at the barn. Jogging lightly on the spot as Benjamin caught up to her laughing and dismounted from the horse.

"Nice run kiddo, would have sworn you were going to fall when we hit the sunlight." He laughed, grinning when the young adult snorted and slowed her jog in place.

"You would have loved that." She retorted, watching him cackle and start to unbridle and un tack the bay horse. It gave a nicker and shook in place. Throwing sweat onto Benjamin who protested loudly. Alicia smirked, slowly jogging for her apartment above the barn.

"Remember! Barbecue tonight!" Benjamin called. Alicia gave an absent wave and climbed her way to the hay loft. Moving around the barrels of hay she unlocked the apartment door and stepped inside.

When the door shut she leaned against it and sighed heavily. Hearing the sound of something transforming from over at the desk.

"Good run?" Looking over she smiled at the mini blue con. Pushing off to flop on the bed, feeling it bounce before the other jumped over.

"Mmhmm. I should be able to out run any human they send." She huffed before yawning.

"That's always good. Even with the extra weight?" He asked while she snorted a looked at him.

"Even with the extra weight Wheelie. How many times over the YEARS that we've been together do I have to tell you that I will never leave you." She asked her expression softening while he grunted and shimmied over to cuddle into her body. She curled around him and sighed, gently petting one of his worn plates.

"Still mistrust on that bit. But you gotta promise that if I tell you to run without me you will." He warned, ruby optics glaring lightly at her. Gunmetal blue eyes glared back.

"Never, I've lost mom and Mirage. I'm not losing you too." She swore, lightly nuzzling the grumbling ex-con.

"... She'd be proud of ya 'Ica. She and Mirage would be very proud of ya." He murmured lightly before dropping into recharge. Alicia stayed quiet, watching the other before standing slowly and going to the window. Staring out at the slowly paling sky and sighing heavily.

"What have I done?

"I wish I could run,

"Away from this ship going under

"Just trying to help

"Hurt everyone else

"Now I feel the weight of the world is on my shoulders.

"What can you do when your good isn't good enough

"And all that you touch tumbles down?

"Cause my best intentions

"Keep making a mess of things

"I just wanna fix it somehow

"But how many times will it take?

"Oh, how many times will it take for me to get it right, to get it right?" Alicia sung as she pushed of the ledge, taking to the stairs to get to the ground floor. Looking around the barn she headed to the far paddock and sighed.

"Can I start again, with my faith shaken?

"Cause I can't go back and undo this

"I just have to stay and face my mistakes

"But if I get stronger and wiser, I'll get through this

"But what can you do when your good isn't good enough?

"And all that you touch tumbles down?

"Cause my best intentions

"Keep making a mess of things

"I just wanna fix it somehow

"But how many times will it take?

"Oh, how many times will it take for me to get it right, to get it right?" She sat on the fence looking out as a few of the horse gazed peacefully.

"So I throw up my fist, throw a punch in the air,

"And accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair!

"Yeah, I'll send out a wish, yeah, I'll send up a pray

"And finally someone will see how much I care!

"What can you do when your good isn't good enough

"And all that you touch tumbles down?

"Cause my best intentions

"Keep making a mess of things

"I just wanna fix it somehow

"But how many times will it take?

"Oh, how many times will it take for me to get it right, to get it right?" She swallowed and wrapped her arms around her body. Fighting back tears softly as one of the horses looked to her curious.

"To get it right~?"

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