Family again

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Crosshairs watched Alicia, Mirage and Wheelie interact. The 18 year old acting much like she was five as the Holoform chased her around cackling with wheelie not too far behind.

All bots who know the Attinger's story had immediately asked Mirage to back up the teens claim. Demanding questions and asking him to remember something that, if the teen was correct would have been a traumatic experience. At first he had refused to speak on the subject no matter who asked.

It was only when Sideswipe had pulled a gun on the teen, and fired it near her that mirage acted. CrossHairs grimaced at the memory. The shouting, the words the fight between the two friend. All of it. Thankfully, he and hound had separated the two while FirstAid checked over the teen. The latter having been skimmed by it before it landed behind her.

When mirage had found out Alicia's story, he had immediately turned disgusted. Sideswipe for a brief moment looked eager. Until mirage landed a rough punch to his cheek plates. At that point, he all but yelled that Alicia had in fact been telling the truth. The neighbor, who had seen the family and how odd they looked had called in after hacking old security cameras to see what the 'three' had been hiding.

That was when Cemetery Wind had shown up.

Now, with her innocents proven there was jut the small bump of the fact her grandparent had been the creator of cemetery wind.

"I still don't trust her." CrossHairs looked to Sideswipe, frowning more when the Silver gladiator glared harshly at the happy three.

"What do you want me to do Sides? Call optimus and find out what he would do? Mirage gave us cold hard proof, and even sent us the data memory of it. Sure, she's related to someone who we hate. That doesn't mean she'll grow up like him. Encase you forgot, Harold Attinger was NEVER part of her up bringing. She didn't even know who he was until he said her creator and Mirage had 'died'." Crosshairs frowned more at the silver warrior when he snarled.

"What's your problem with her?" This time it was Sideswipe's turn to frown.

"FirstAid is convinced that she's reds kid. That can't be true, the mech couldn't leave his security room for primus sake." He spat, glaring at her harder.

"Sounds like a spat between you and aid then." Crosshairs smirked when Sideswipe spun around to glare ferociously at him.

"My spat is with the half breed!" He then froze and looked away.

"So she is reds' kid." Crossharis stated, sideswipe made a frustrated sound.

"I don't know cross. Pits I SAW a memory from her, and the mecha she called her sire sure looked like red's holoform." The mecha dug his servos into his optics and dragged his palms down his face. Crosshairs laughed and nudged at the frustrated mech.

"Then go talk to her, find out what she knows and see if you can trigger more memories to find out. She ain't half bad for a half breed." Crosshairs grinned at the silver front liner, and shuffled over to the guardians and their charge.

~Sparks trapped in dark~

{Alicia's pov}

I shrieked happily as Mirage caught me and swung, spinning in a circle as while i clung and laughed happily. Enjoying the bonding time. A flood on happiness and content rampaged my heart, making me freeze then explode into glee as I spun around. Mirage blinked at me, and i could feel the little pieces of confusion between the two guardians. Grinning more i summoned as much family love as i could and shoved it outwards. Mirage jolted back and tumbled down with a yelp, even wheelie gasped startled.

"That's a--"

"Yeah i know!" I shrieked happily. Scooping up my guardian and spinning happily while both happily pusled down the guardian charge bonds. Both wheelie and I shrieked/screamed when Mirage transformed and scooped up. Pressing me to his chest plates and laughing in disbelief. It was nice, having a connection like this and feeling someone in my core. It was... Reassuring, like I had been missing this the entire time. I liked it.

"Uh... Alicia....?" Pausing from our celebrating i poked my head over Mirage's hand and beamed at Sideswipe. He looked frustrated, and angry like normal. But he looked like he was trying to move past it too.

"Hey Sideswipe. What can i help you with?" He cast a nervous glance to my guardians and cleared his throat.

"Can I talk to you? Alone perferably?" He requested. I blinked but nodded, and squirmed while bot guardians snarled.

"Sure thing Sides, two seconds." I shoved harshly over the two bonds, yelping when Mirage instantly jerked with a sharp gasp and clutched at his chest while letting go of wheelie and I.

"Shit shit shit!" I yelped, grunting as I landed in somebots hands. Blinking at the silver alloy i looked up and smiled at Sides whoe held me awkwardly in his hands.

"Thanks Sides. So, what did you wanna talk about?"

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