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It had been a week or so since returning from Hong Kong. Aside from a small run in with the Dyno bots, who now had their own part of the base it was an easy trip. Alicia almost never left her two guardians. Not that either minded, especially Mirage. After demanding all the 'horror' she had been through he almost preferred it if she was with him constantly.

But there were times where the teen preferred some me time. Or even just time away from her clinging and over protective guardians. Alicia loved her guardians, never get her wrong she loves them and would gladly die for them. But they can be over bearing, and a little annoying when she wants to sink into music and self consciousness.

It was times like that where she made herself at home where her biological father was resting. She visited often, usually with her guardians or with Sideswipe, the mecha who tried rather hard to to not get too too mad at her methods of warming up to him. But they were getting along. Which is where she was now,

Currently lounging on top of the silver vette's hood and staring up at her father.

"You've got that 'my mood just hit the smelting pits' look. What's got you thinking kiddo?"Sighing heavily Alicia ran a hand through her hair. Having long since given up dying it brown since returning.

"Thinking about mom, and dad... What made him leave, what would have happened if I had stayed home instead of going to the sleepover excetra." She explained, shifting to cross her arms behind her head and continue looking up at him. Sideswipe revved gently from under her.

"Don't even start to thinking this is your fault kid. You had no idea that any of that would happen." Alicia gave a semi bitter smile but hummed lightly. Shivering at the last vibrations from her 'uncle'.

"Doesn't matter if it is or not. It's still going to go through my head every now and again. I can't help it." She vented. The vette sighed heavily.

" H.O.P.E. kid."She blinked startled, sitting up then looking into his wind shield.

"H.O.P.E.? What about Hope?" She asked confused. He laughed, and revved at her.

"I found it off the internet. An acronym that uses Hope. Hold On Pain Ends."She was quiet at that but offered a weak smile to the Silver mecha.

"I... I never thought about that... Thanks Sideswipe." She murmured. He revved in response, falling silent as she settled again and looked up at her white and red creator. Unforunately, her mind continued to wander in that particular direction. Even she, in all her years of being a mask of blank and nothing, grimaced and tried to push it away. But, with that a thought also appeared in her mind.

"... Hey sides? Would Red have used mum's voice as an activator instead of his own?" She questioned. The mecha was silent before starting to back out.

"That sounds exactly like the scrap kind of thing he'd do." She grinned and sat up, shifting to stand up on the roof of his vehicle mode as he carefully sped down the hall.

"Meh, thought it might. Mirage would have a recording of her, maybe it's just voice recgonition?" She guessed again. He revved, carefully making a turn and puttering down towards the wreck room.

"Maybe. Did she ever do anything that was rare? It would seem like red to mimic whatever she would only ever do for family." Alicia rattled her mind for an answer, ignoring the scenary around her as it faded to white.

Looking up she grinned happily at the memory she had surfaced. She had been rather good at this, but none the less, she watched the tiny her pout under her bed. Mirage's holoform making a face at her stubbornness. She forgot how small she was when she was younger.

"Come on now 'ica. You said you'd behave." He scolded. she gave a very cat like hiss at him and scooted farther. Clutching wheelie close while the blue bot tried to drive away.

"Mirage, let me try." Alicia perked and beamed at her mother who laid down and smiled at her.

"Hey, daughter." She beamed and wiggled closer to her mother.

"Hey, mother. I'm missing father is it safe for him to come home?" Alicia made a face when her mother's twisted up in pain but she softened and shook her head.

"People do mean things, they do aweful things. You're father will come home just not while there is still danger."

"But mother-!"

"EchoSong... Come out please my little song. Mother needs you to be brave and strong for her now."

"THAT'S IT!" She winced sheepishly when lots of bots jumped at her out burst. An embarrased blush spreading over her cheeks while Mirage gave her an amused look.

"I haven't heard you sing out words since you were very small." He chuckled, even while Sideswipe revved.

"Think of something kiddo?" Alicia nodded happily and jumped off the vette, ignoring him when he transformed before grabbing at her red guardian and tugging at his armor plate.

"I did! Mama used to sing out words for me while I was being stubborn, and one time when Mirage was trying to get me out from under my bed she sung words to me. She called me EchoSong, and I think Echo is what Papa used to call me." She gave her guardian a pleading look when he blinked startled.

"Do you have a recording of mama singing EchoSong?" She requested, still trying to pull him away to the area of pods.

"I might, but I don't think I'll be able to play it off of my memory." He explained. Alicia wilted and leaned against his armor.

"Damn..." She sulked softly, nuzzling her face into the familiar metal. Being pulled away she flopped limply into her 'uncles' servo.

"Thanks anyway Mirage."

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