Part Two Of My life: Remembering

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Alicia bopped her head in time with the music, wheelie on her stomach with brains nodding along and playing a card game. Absently she started to hum, playing the beat of the drums into the air happily.

"Oh! Oh, oh cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in~! So shame on me no-eh-ow flew me to places I've never been. Now I'm lying on the cool hard ground oh!" She sang, shifting to point one finger towards the gate while she did so. Unknown to her, a certain silver vette was glaring at her.

.:;kiddo, you got a visitor. And he ain't happy.;:. Pausing Alicia vented heavily, lifting off the headphones then looking to the vette. She blinked startled at just how 'ain't happy' he was and vented.

"Something I can help you with Vett-!... Wait..." Gathering the cards from the two in front of her, Alicia moved the two friends off, ignoring their protests as she set them back up then headed over to the cage to look at the warrior.

They locked eyes and optics for a minute or two, Alicia trying to place his optics somewhere before giving a harsh shake of her head.

"Who are you? I've seen your optics before how could I have seen them before." She demanded, gripping the bars and glaring up at him. He snarled, transforming rapidly. Perusual, the site took her breath away in awe. She loved it when bots transformed. Only this time, she came face to face with enraged and familiar blue eyes.

A familiar face.

And a terrifing tug at her chest.

"I should be killing you right here." Vivid flashes of memories ripped in her head, sending Alicia reeling back with a startled cry. Her gunmetal blue eyes wide and flashing a deeper blue.


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