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Poor meets rich; Dumb meets smart; Fat meets fit; Stubborn meets kind; Hater meets lover. Even those in friendzone fell for each other. What about me? Who will I meet?

I don’t belong in the upper class or rich clan but I’m not poor. My mom works as a finance manager in one of the largest manufacturing company, my dad died just after my 7th birthday, he was a senior executive from a leading oil company for 20 years and what he left us should have been enough for me and my brother (insert “?” here) to have a bright future. Mom still needs to work though, aside from the fact that she is a career woman, mom said with all our fixed and variable expenses (I learned those terms from mom) and our way of living we’ll surely spend the last centavo of dad’s earnings in no time.

Well I’m surely not dumb. I’m a fast-learner, and can easily pick up on every subject. But I have never been to top 1 in my entire school life so I’m not that intelligent or genius or geek or whatever you call it; I am not fond of studying, when I understand that lesson there’s no need to review it again and again, and if I don’t understand it, why bother, that’s what friends are for. Anyway, I’m not running for valedictorian or any awards this graduation; I just want to graduate and not to be the last in rank.

 Sure sure, I am not physically fit, I may not have a healthy body, I love sweets, junks and sodas. Well, I guess my passion for dancing helps me burn those calories so you can’t call me fat, because I am not, I may not be as sexy like those bikini models but I am not fat, my BMI says average.

Definitely not a stubborn here, I follow rules, I know right from wrong, I do as I told. Not so kind one though, I share nothing with less fortunate, I don’t even pity the beggars and even try to stay away from them. I go to church and pray, I don’t cuss. I have friends and I don’t have enemies (I hope so!), I can’t remember helping anyone in need, or even smiling to someone aside from my acquaintances.

I don’t belong to those bitter in love, but I have never been in love. I have never been in a relationship and I really don’t know how it feels. I am certainly not a hater and now I want to be a lover. But how can I be? Who will I love? Who will love me back? Who will I meet and would that person stays?

I have friends, but did I mention they are all girls. Studying at McKinley Catholic School since Kindergarten and now that I am an incoming senior high school student, I did not a have a chance to mingle with boys in our school. Yes we are coed, but what we have is St. Michael’s Building for boys and St. Therese for girls (and St. John’s Building for the faculty and all admin section of the school, they also put the Gymnasium here where they can “oversee and monitor” which class will use it). Girls are separated from boys’ classrooms, lockers, clinic and even our canteen has boys’ section and girls’ section. I guess we only share the school gate. Oh well, there’s the library, where you can sit beside each other but chatting is strictly prohibited. So what I am trying to say here is, that friends-to-lovers thing is also not for me. So where will I fit? All those stories of finding true love and being happily ever after will never be happening to me. I will never be an ugly duckling turned into a swan, because I am already pretty. Wait, would that mean that it’s the other way around, that I will be the one meeting a frog turned into a prince, but I am not a princess, I’m not even that popular in school and my family is not well-known. Oh well, if that’s really the case, I just hope he’s already in the process of becoming a prince. That is really not nice of me.

(this story is taglish…nosebleed na po kami..kulang ang baon na English ;p)

I-Ship Na Yan!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon